Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 209

Whose clone are you?
Guess twice.
Guess twice.
At least you don't deny being a clone.)
I wouldn't believe it either.

Have you got enough of an ego to show?

You can't trust anyone. I can.


Enough with the swagger?

You can't trust anyone. You can trust me :)

(I don't trust anyone. I'm allowed.) )
("I'm a lunkhead" - "feeling of self-importance"? )

Yeah. It's a funny thing about an anonymous anonymous anonymous person in Lukomorye )).

Although, I'm already experiencing feelings of insignificance - after a 2-day binge and outburst of self-esteem it happens to many people, regardless of the results of activity.

It's just... ...I suck.

what is it this time? )

Norway . Bitcoin is not recognised as a currency . Recognised as an asset . 25% tax on corporate profits . // heh heh, like I said.

Imho this practice will spread slowly across Europe


Norway . Bitcoin is not recognised as a currency . Recognised as an asset . 25% tax on corporate profits . // heh heh, like I said.

Imho this practice will spread slowly across Europe

Bitcoin hangs its snot. Third big short snot - it's being fueled by ducks as usual)) There's no point in making cause and effect connections. Just better get into the long ...soon
Шведская компания KnCMiner представила самый высокопроизводительный «харвестер» для добычи Bitcoin
Шведская компания KnCMiner представила самый высокопроизводительный «харвестер» для добычи Bitcoin Система Neptune для добычи виртуальной валюты Bitcoin стоит $12995
And I yawned... There was an opportunity to buy for 10.