Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 169

Pity........ Wish I'd bought it at least a quid a coin back in the day(
"Never, ever regret anything." )
To the finder of the block.

I mean, whoever saw the payment will enter it into the database and will take the fee?

and if there is no fee, who will take it?


and if there is no said commission, who conducts it ?

No one does) such a transaction can be pending for weeks.
No one does ) such a transaction can hang for weeks.

how does one become a transaction processor?

with that Bitcoin - Qt application ?


and how does one become a transaction processor?

using that Bitcoin application - Qt ?

), you have to be a miner, and a miner is not profitable right now )

0.00000001 BTC = 0.036 kopecks at current exchange rate. However, the minimum fee for transfers under 0.01 BTC is 0.0001 BTC (3.6 RUB), i.e., an item must be worth more than 0.01BTC (360 RUB) for the commission not to be too much for the buyer. A transfer without a commission will be stuck for weeks, if ever, to be processed by the network.

Yeah, right. You have to admit that this is an oh-so-big brake on the bitcoin's appreciation. The more expensive it will be, the harder it will be to use in settlements between buyer and seller :(

), you have to be a miner and it is not profitable to be a miner now)

I don't understand the answer.

I send a bitcoin payment to another person and I put a commission of 0.001 in the payment

who does the commission go to ? Andrei answered that the person who met and confirmed the transaction.

then a question - how can i confirm transactions?

What does this have to do with mining ?


I don't understand the answer.

I send a bitcoin payment to another person and I put a commission of 0.001 in the payment

who does the commission go to ? Andrei answered that the person who met and confirmed the transaction.

then a question - how can i confirm transactions?

I don't see what this has to do with mining.

The network is based on mining, a transaction needs to be confirmed in the form of calculations (the very complexity of which is rising and falling), miners make those calculations.

I think it's for these calculations that the miners get the koomsa.

ZS: Actually, Sergei, google helps.)


Sanya, you googled transactions. if you don't know, you google them too.

Why do we need miners to do transactions? We're just people without axes.

my question is - if Bitcoin Qt client can do this, if software confirms payment and charges its commission?

he can confirm transactions and take a commission on his wallet?

if not, what software can do it?


why are there miners in transactions?

Miners are the ones who confirm transactions.