Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 168

I've already read it. He was banned for accusations of incompetence by a blatnoy named Renat.
Yeah, he's out of line.)

Psychological level 1000 successfully and reliably overcome :)


Crypto enthusiasts, please enlighten me as to what is the minimum value in bitcoin transactions.

What is the minimum price in BTC a seller can sell an item for?


Crypto enthusiasts, please enlighten me as to what is the minimum value in bitcoin transactions.

What is the minimum price in BTC a seller can sell an item for?

0.00000001 BTC = 0.036 kopecks at current exchange rate. The minimum fee for transactions under 0.01 BTC is 0.0001 BTC (3.6 RUB), i.e., the goods must cost more than 0.01BTC (360 RUB) for the commission not to be too high for the buyer. A transfer without a commission will be stuck for weeks, if ever, to be processed by the network.


A commission-free transfer will be stuck for weeks, if ever processed by the network.

explain where the fee stated in the transaction goes

Psychological level 1000 successfully and reliably overcome :)

Pity........ I wish I had bought it at least a quid a coin back in the day(
Contender: The psychological level of 1000 has been successfully and reliably overcome :)
We'll discuss this when the exchange rate corrects to about the April high... Well, maybe a little higher.
explain where the fee stated in the transaction goes
To the finder of the block.
explain where the commission stated in the transaction goes
the bots are collecting for the car rebellion )
To the finder of the unit.
What if the finder threw away the hard drive, like this one in the news?) ?