Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 23

What's the point?

Yeah, well, no point at all. Why know the price if you don't know what the product is


you can google the price, right? :)))

I gave the link above, it has a list of all the products currently offered and all the companies.

Yeah, I did,

so I take it you invested in the cash in the bits?


So I take it you invested the manmade bits?

Traded :)
I've invested it in construction.)

and I invested the traded money in construction.

I'm going to trade with bots as soon as MT4 is launched on the real market.


Is this your guess or reliable information from Dimosaicheg?

Vidiacs are already unprofitable, as far as I know (well, unless it's on lightcoin). Now it's either ASIC or FPGA. The situation is changing too fast, and even last year's data is long out of date.

Type "bitcoin" into the search engine and you will find out for yourself.

What kind of hardware mines the bits?

Well first of all, only the asic mines bits - had the good fortune to order 2 avalon 1 !!! wave at the end of november, and didn't get it until may... and with free electricity at 1 of the warehouses is a 3d processing and novacoin mining farm (sometimes i switch to lite).
vises are still relevant... with free electricity the payback period is a year or so .... (it used to be more fun...) asics are also relevant...but not for those who just decided to "buy" .... it's very easy to miss out and buy hardware that won't pay for itself, or not to get it at all. there is also 1 way... but you have to be very good at coding.... The stability of botnets has never been cancelled.
sergeev: Is it a drug or an illegal product? Can't you quote the price openly?
Yes, it would be better to private, so as not to create unnecessary flubbing.
Yes better to private so as not to create unnecessary flub.
so give me a price/yh ratio and delivery time.... this isn't flooding but a direct discussion.... because a lot of people have been sold stuff that will never pay for itself.... like the yerupiters are pushing nowadays.... + I can always sell them and even the 5850 is not a problem now, prods for 3D rendering may be harder to sell but there's no point in it...