Market patterns - page 24

Better yet, the seller would have done a trial period in the robot and put a decompilation protection in place. That way, slipping him quotes won't detect fraud. I can constantly generate new equity and pretend it is from your quotes.) There are a lot of ways to cheat. In my opinion, a demo for a week of use is the only way out.

It is stated thatthe "grail" shows on FI profitable and on SB-SB profitable.

In this case the FI/SB mixture is non-trivial and known only to me, now I will not publish its structure, then when the test results I will determine together with the curve of the initial series, where were FI and where were SB. And it will be clear what happens in FI and what happens in SB.

If this test shows that the "grail" has identified the places correctly, then there will be a test with sequential quantum verification, on a new semi-synthetic to determine the no-peeping.


Try what you get from such a semi-synthetic range. This is a warm up for now. Get the result and post it here please, if this test is passed there will be another final one.

But it will be a miracle if it makes it through.

Great! In principle, a one-dimensional series would be fine too, especially one this big))) But can you also give 10d data(bid\ask OHLCV) for a single instrument, or a bunch of rows that you believe can be associated with a predictable row, just please synchronized with each other. Thank you! You are correct in not revealing any details about the nature of the row for the time being. It's all up to the grail now.

I wish the seller had done a trial period in the robot and put protection against decompilation. That way, slipping him quotes won't reveal fraud. I can constantly generate new equity and pretend it is from your quotes.) There are many ways to cheat. In my opinion, a demo for a week of use is the only way out.

You can generate arbitrary equity for rows with a constant profitability potential ratio. But if we make a mixture in unknown combination with SB, how can we reproduce the pattern of the mixture that was not obviously present in the initial series?

In theory, if equity does not depend on the series, then testing such a mixture will give results that are generally homogeneous or structurally unrelated to the source, which falsifies the system.

Regarding the demo version, this system is just processing the rows that feed it, it is *.exe as I found out today written on the pluses, the prototype is quite raw. The rows submitted a row received a row. It wasn't even planned for sale at the conception stage as far as I know. If it passes the tests, it will be just a dll, calculating, and shell and connection with the terminal on mql, for Metatrader, or for other platforms other shells and connectors.

"decompilation protection" is only from decompilers for a couple hundred ue. If you spend 1-2 orders of magnitude more, any software can be opened up and reworked. Grail programmer, he probably knows, since he is on such ciphers. Therefore, unfortunately, there is no way to "feel" it.


Mmmm... all mixed up, horses, people... And potential "grail" sellers are there...

Public verification of the system is certainly interesting, but the black box is not a very good object of research. Well at least the verification itself does not correlate with the subject of market patterns. imho

But I have already given up hope to find something interesting in this direction. I will do something more prosaic and predictable.


But I have already given up hope of getting anything interesting out of it. I will do something more prosaic and predictable.

For education in any specialty takes n years (where n depends on the goal (level)), + experience.

Who told you that in financial markets you can get the result, spending much less time?

PS. Get busy.


That's basically it:

I think the structure of trends and lack thereof on equity is pretty obvious. If you add the costs that shift the MO into minus, it becomes quite clear where the SB is and where the FI is. We can even say that the mix of rows is made "abruptly", without smooth changes and that one FI and one SB type are mixed, as the slopes of the trends are almost equal.

Now it is possible to compare the original structure and the obtained indirectly.
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The further into the woods you go, the bigger the firewood: I think there is one thing you are not taking into account: there are huge machines at work, which instantly calculate all interconnections and redirect finances to diversify in the right direction. We with our small computers cannot keep up with them. Maybe some people can sit on the shoulders of elephants, but it is a rare exception (or not the exception - a pattern). All other people are small intellectuals-dreamers, as rightly noted here, or lovers of roulette. Forex is the same roulette: buy red and black - bet - get lucky - withdraw. You may think for a long time in brokerage companies: to withdraw or not and ask silly questions, or they may not withdraw at all. And there is a lure in the form of championship, and someone told about Forex as about a woman: if you ask long at this chart it starts to give eventually... Yes, and my main subjective judgment - I see the market as a set of communicating vessels: you put money into one - everything goes to the rest more or less instantly. Now it's different: one candle is short and straight and the higher the TF the shorter it is, moreover, on all Instruments at the same time and we have to dance from this oven... or get in a flock and unitedly bombard the Forex market, that is what people who have come to a higher level of understanding-reflection (quantum) do...)))


The further into the woods you go, the bigger the firewood: I think there is one thing you are not taking into account: there are huge machines at work, which instantly calculate all interconnections and redirect finances to diversify in the right direction. We with our small computers cannot keep up with them. Maybe some people can sit on the shoulders of elephants, but it is a rare exception (or not the exception - a pattern). All other people are small intellectuals-dreamers, as rightly noted here, or lovers of roulette. Forex is the same roulette: buy red and black - bet - get lucky - withdraw. You may think for a long time in brokerage companies: to withdraw or not and ask silly questions, or they may not withdraw at all. And there is also a lure in the form of championship, and someone from the forum said about Forex as about a woman: if you ask long at this chart it eventually begins to give... Yes, and my main subjective judgment - I see the market as a set of communicating vessels: you put into one - everything spills over the rest more or less instantly. Now it's different: one candle is short and straight and the higher the TF the shorter it is, moreover, on all Instruments at the same time and we have to dance from this oven... or get in a flock and unitedly bombard the Forex market, that is what people who have come to a higher level of understanding-reflection (quantum) do...)))

Is there any data pointing to this?

If not, it would be appropriate to mention Occam's Razor (I often have to refer to it lately).



Blue SB, red CVR. The key is attached.

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That's pretty much it:

I think the structure of trends and lack thereof on equity is pretty obvious. If you add the costs that shift the MO into minus, it becomes quite clear where the SB is and where the FI is. You can even say that the row mix is done "abruptly", with no smooth changes and that one FI and one type of SB are mixed, as the slopes of the trends are almost equal.

Now it is possible to compare the initial structure and the one obtained indirectly.

The data is a mess. In different formats and scales.

For "source.csv"

" 1 .55758988857269"

" 1 .55757141113281"

" 1 .5575897693634"

" 1 .55758559703827"

" 1 .5575385093689"

For " equity.csv"






Source instrings with a space, equity in something like points and probably not a 5-digit but 6 or 7.

I haven't managed to translate it from strings into digits, while such a sequence can't be put into a 4 or matrix. Not a credit.

In addition to figures of the source is visible very little volatility in the range of 5 digits only, in general, since such an experiment, what is the point of doing a pseudocurrency rate? Scale the series directly to whole points with explicit volatility.

In theory, the method of indirect verification of the algorithm, without a pore test, is interesting, but only a pore test can prove the validity of the method. In general, yes, you are intrigued, but not by "grail", namely by how you can verify it "from far away" with a certain degree of certainty.

It is better to develop such a method on something at hand rather than on data from a frightened grailer and then when the method has shown that it detects peeping on something that can be checked by means of a gauge yourself to test it on "grails" represented only by tables.


Is there any evidence to suggest this?

If not, Occam's Razor would be a good place to start (I've been using it a lot lately).

In this respect Occam's Razor is like a beauty criterion- scientists are comfortable that they exist, they do not even doubt their correctness, but they rarely use them in their work.

* Curiously, the authoritative Dictionary of Scientific Biographies, in its several-page article on Occam, never mentions his "razor" - author's note.

I am not multiplying the essence, on the contrary, I am simplifying your abstruse reasoning. How much money has been poured into the economy lately - where is it? - everything has leveled off and depreciated. How many bubbles have been inflated - burst, devaluing the entire economy. Capital no longer knows how to make a profit - how to get people to buy? - The rich are fed up - the poor are not allowed to go - there will be no one to work. People are increasingly being replaced by robots - so people are left with no money and therefore no medicine and no education. You draw your own conclusions - what will happen in a generation. The only winners are the states with their dollar - they can devalue it indefinitely, devaluing other people's labour and energy spent on earning that dollar... Without equivalent money, I think, will eventually lead the world economy to collapse... So forgive this so to speak "flub", but maybe it will be useful to someone too...

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