Market patterns - page 27

Actually, a price chart is an indicator.

The price chart alone is enough, I mean that there is no need to make additional calculations, which do not give anything but lag.

I agree that at the beginning market formations without filtering are not obvious for a beginner like I was recently, but it takes a couple of months of practice and indicators are not needed at all, everything is solved by combinations of candles(Price Action). Of course, I am at the very beginning of this way, but I am done with indicators.


So one price chart is enough, I mean there is no need to make additional calculations that do not yield anything but lag.

Well, following the same logic, theoretically we can put any trading strategy based on one pure chart, or part of it, into an indicator.

In short, MetaDriver has got it right.

If we compare trading platforms, there is often a comparison of the number of technical indicators, how useful it is, is the question.

Or maybe in other platforms the standard indicators are just graphical?


I totally agree with MetaDriver and the world conspiracy theory. I'm just talking a little differently now.

That all indicators are only for training and not for real work. In real work professionals use PriceAction.

PriceAction - Трейдинг без индикаторов - Вебинары c James16Group [2009 г., Трейдинг, WEBRip, ENG] :: (ex
Автор Сообщение : 2009 : USA : Трейдинг : Более 20 часов : Английский: PriceAction - это так называемая безиндикаторная торговля на основе графических паттернов, таких как 1-2-3, ABCD, свечных моделей и т.п.Почему PriceAction? Популяризаторы, такие как James, Habeeb, обитающие в соответствующей ветке на ForexFactory, насчитывающей...

That all indicators are only for training and not for real work. In real work, professionals use PriceAction.

In real work, professionals use something that can make money :)



For me "YOU" "YOU" is irrelevant, it all depends on the accepted norms in a particular micro-society. Here the MOO addresses "YOU", so "friendly" is more likely to be taken as "YOU" than as "YOU". But if a more liberal approach suits you, so be it. I'm not trying to distance myself or protect myself with you by being pseudo-polite, but just following a well-established cliché.

Ok then don't be offended either.

Everything you said is complete nonsense to begin with. It's not even nonsense just inadequate projection, clearly distorted by negative socio-psychological dominance. You have everything revolving around the individual in the context of society, the confrontation between the individual and society. And you project your fear onto others.

Conspiracy, masses, Pelevin... utter nonsense!

Same nonsense about "random inputs". There are simple mathematical functions from which the TS logic is built and there are structures that pretend to be primitive TS. It is clear that any temporary profitable TS cannot be built on just one indicator, but there are elementary indicators, like SMA, EMA, Momentum, etc. But there are some structures, like MACD and others. So the demands to the structures are completely different than to elementary ones (that cannot be easily invented). The structure should also be an element of a basic set, such structures reflecting the most concise method of detecting some inefficiency.

And Alligator is what? It's as delusional as your thrashing about the Masons and conspiracy. You might as well put in thousands of indicators depending on air temperature, moon phase, just random etc. These are non-basic alchemical inadequacies. And the more of this, the more lamer software and on other forums it will be scoffed at and derided.

Obviously you're not even 25 yet, that's why all this social addiction and pannibalistic urges. Pelevin is quoted too, his audience is 15-25 years old. Well, don't blame the kid.

Good luck.


What has pricekshin got to do with it at all? You just do not understand what you're saying, any TS is a calculation based on a set of time series, both traded FI and linked to them, there is no difference it will be an indicator in the form of visual display, or bypassing the drawing output in the form of trading commands. Or are you suggesting trading on intuition according to "insider"?

I'm blown away by the public here...

Although I agree to some extent, when there are 1000s of these aligators and "wonderful oscillators" then it will be true on average that "professionals don't use indicators"


Where does my stupidity come in? Why are you being rude in an empty space?

I supported the idea that "Alligator" is a bullshit indicator, because it makes no sense to shift it to the future, clear and to the point.

And you started doing the Bill Williams style about fighting with yourself and that kind of crap.

I don't give a damn about the public, if the effectiveness of the software didn't depend on it.

It may be just a test for suckers, if no one objects to the section of indicators that are close to random, ok, then we can use more stupid methods to make such suckers pay attention, mmm, ok, we will have to invent something more sophisticated.

This is how you should know how to use indicators. In fact, you have been given a small package of classic indicators and endless room for your ideas in the Work or DIY section ).
Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
  • 2010.06.18
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
С запуском сервиса "Работа" становится идеальным местом для размещения заказов и оказания услуг программирования. Тысячи трейдеров и разработчиков ежедневно посещают этот ресурс и с легкостью могут помочь друг другу. Для трейдера сервис "Работа" - это легкая возможность получить свой собственный эксперт. Для MQL5-разработчика это возможность легко найти новых клиентов. В данной статье мы рассмотрим возможности этого сервиса.

What is most likely meant is that you should not trust indicators at all. They all show only the past and cannot look into the future, they only lag behind price.

As far as I understood from my brief study experience, professionals do not use indicators at all, but work with Price Action, i.e. pure price formations without any filtration.

Thus, non-professionals are allowed to argue about which indicators are better and which are worse. This is the destiny of beginners.

The first thing to do is to answer your own questions.
Actually, the price chart is an indicator.
An indicator of the mood of the crowd).

I totally agree with MetaDriver and the world conspiracy theory. I'm just talking a little differently now.

That all indicators are only for training and not for real work. In real work professionals use PriceAction.

I remember using Elder's strategies and I doubled my deposit in a week, with different 20 trades. The market is changing and growing every minute and in reality the best indicator is the one that takes into account everything that can be taken into account.

For me "YOU" "YOU" is irrelevant, it all depends on the accepted norms in a particular micro-society. Here the MOO addresses "YOU", so "friendly" is more likely to be taken as "YOU" than as "YOU". But if a more liberal approach suits you, so be it. I'm not trying to distance myself or defend myself behind pseudo-politeness, but just following established clichés.

OK, then don't be offended too.

Great, no problem.

Everything you said is complete nonsense to begin with. It's not even nonsense just inadequate projection, clearly distorted by negative socio-psychological dominance. You have everything revolving around the individual in the context of society, the confrontation between the individual and society. And you project your fear onto others.

Of what has been said, only the underlined is true.

I live like this. I, a person, in the context of this society. And you don't? It seems to me that this is the objective reality in which we live (at least we communicate).

As for the rest - I don't seem to have any negative dominants or inadequate projections. // Nonsense happens sometimes, well, who among us is perfect?

Conspiracy, masses, Pelevin... utter nonsense!

Same nonsense about "random inputs". There are simple mathematical functions from which the TS logic is built and there are structures that pretend to be primitive TS. It is clear that any temporary profitable TS cannot be built on just one indicator, but there are elementary indicators, like SMA, EMA, Momentum, etc. But there are some structures, like MACD and others. So the demands to the structures are completely different than to elementary ones (that cannot be easily invented). The structure should also be an element of a basic set, such structures reflecting the most succinct method of revealing some inefficiency.

And "Alligator" what? It's as delusional as your thrash about the Masons and conspiracy. Might as well put in thousands of indicators depending on air temperature, moon phase, just random etc. These are non-basic alchemical inadequacies. And the more of these, the more lame the software is and the more it will be scoffed at and ridiculed on other forums.

May I answer in the words of the previous speaker?

"This is how you should know how to use indicators. In fact you've been given a small package of classic indicators and endless room for your ideas in the Work or DIY section )."

Clearly you're not even 25 yet, hence all the social addiction and pannibalistic urges. Pelevin is quoted too, his audience is 15-25 years old. Well, don't blame the kid.

A lot of what you "obviously see" doesn't stand up to reality check. I'm 54. Sorry, I'd answer more, but my 11-year-old granddaughter won't let me write, wants to watch Harry Potter movies on my computer. Such is life... personality in the context of society... )))
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