Market patterns - page 30

Everyone can see the trend on the past period.
Basically all classic indicators are displayed on the history, but by the values you can conclude about its current state, the future trend is unfortunately impossible to see).
And what does chaos theory have to do with it? What fractals are present? Well? Can you debunk my misconception?
With the chaos theory Williams and not only he is trying to describe the quotes. And there are fractals in Metatrader, you can see for yourself. Don't you know that?)
With the help of chaos theory Williams and others are trying to describe quotes. And fractals are present in Metatrader, which you can see for yourself. Don't you know that?)
MT's fractals have nothing to do with fractals. Or is this news to you?
MT fractals have nothing to do with fractals. Or is that news to you?
It may seem that way to you. Let's say MT fractals are just a narrow representation of the fractal component of the market. What you are trying to prove to me is known only to you - you give me the facts.

I'm going to show you a few of these patterns in the pictures here from today.

Even if you remove the retouching from your pictures, it will not add clarity. You seem to be very anxious about your designs.

Believe me, as an in-depth student of Level2 features, there is no information that reveals even a little bit of a pattern in your posts (and pictures) so far. Don't indulge in paranoid illusions that someone is eager to decipher you. Experience has shown that no one fucking wants it.

You'll only be able to discuss the subject with someone who digs it thoroughly. And only with a desire of mutual openness of research results and methods. And this (again, from practice), is unrealistic in practice.

Even if you have a grail and prove it by results of trading it will not change anything. You can shout that your grail is in Level2 - but again, it will not change anything. You will be alone with your studies.

The fact that you use FXOPEN_Level2 is correct, because it's easier to obtain patterns from the aggregate vial with a larger number of LP. And five levels is quite enough.

I also fully support the need for a research GUI of one's own in such explorations. The visualisation of the matrix packages is not always enough in this case.

It may seem that way to you. Let's say MT fractals are only a narrow representation of the fractal component of the market. What you are trying to prove to me is known only to you - you provide the facts.
Williams' "fractal" is not a fractal but a candlestick pattern. Where is the self-similarity? Where is the fractional dimension?
MT fractals have nothing to do with fractals. Or is that news to you?

Hehe. Fractals are everywhere in our environmental and non-environmental world, including in market quotes.


Hehe. Fractals are everywhere in our surrounding and non-environmental world, including in market quotes.

No one is arguing with that. See above: Williams' is not a fractal but a candlestick pattern. Compare the Mandelbrot Set and the five candlesticks of Williams' "fractal".
It's not like anyone is arguing with that. See above: Williams is not a fractal, but a candlestick pattern. Compare the Mandelbrot Set and the five candlesticks of Williams' "fractal".
No one is saying that Williams interpreted everything correctly, but at least there is a simplified interpretation of it.

Hehe. Fractals are everywhere in our surrounding and non-environmental world, including in market quotes.

The pictures are beautiful).