MT5 For those who care about speed. - page 25

Phew...should I repeat the question?
Uff...shelandr, shall I repeat the question?
You don't have to, he won't answer it as there is nothing to answer because there is nothing to answer.... don't you get it yet ;)
You don't have to, he won't answer as there is nothing to answer because there is nothing... don't you get it yet ;)
No problem... Just post the source code on MT5 first with a description of the exchange with the server.

It's funny to hear... Don't you understand that an algorithm published on the net can't work by definition...

There are two options: Either it's ALWAYS not working, or who will give it to you?

Or it works, but when pele will use it, it will become non-working.

It's likegiving you the address of your mushroom place.

I thought there were traders here.

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Типы данных
Основы языка / Типы данных - Документация по MQL5
No problem... Just publish the source code for MT5 first, with a description of the exchange with the server.
And why, you are not satisfied with everything, and you are going to make a real-time system. Go ahead. Roscosmos will help you.
Why, you are not satisfied with everything, and you are going to make a real-time system. Go ahead. Roscosmos will help you.

It's not a problem to build a system... School kids are running their own servers now...

The problem is to connect to a server running on an alien and incomprehensible protocol.

Although perhaps the hackers-can-can find out.


It's not a problem to build a system... Schoolchildren are running their own servers now...

The problem is to connect to a server running on an alien and incomprehensible protocol.

Although perhaps the hackers-can do it-we'll have to find out.

Inquire, but what is the point? On the other hand the same wind that you do not like and brakes with terrible force. Exit only one - create your own exchanger and connect clients only direct photon-launch connection.

It's a shame about the server, having to work with such high-speed equipment, whether it can keep up. It's a real shame...

p.s.. On the subject ..., one thing there is no data, how much time passes between the command to the terminal until it comes to the server, what parrots are going to improve, if absolutely do not know what's there and how ...

p.s.s. I hope this is all, not from the great faith that 200 packets per minute, it's too much and everything starts lagging.

50 orders per second on MT4 is easy. Now multiply that by 8 trading threads. And let the comrade invent...
50 orders per second on MT4 is easy. Now multiply that by 8 trading threads. And let the comrade invent...
I don't believe it (c).