MT5 For those who care about speed. - page 23


Unfold the question, not sure what I have to do here.

Yes, you do. So?
Yes, you do. So?

Wrong. No respectively ridiculous "so and so" I do not accept.

p.s. If you want to look in your neighbour's garden, see forum four. I posted something there not too long ago. I can't help you with that anymore.

p.p.s. Try, better, the author of the topic. Or do you know as well as I do that he has nothing to post?


p.s. If you want to look in your neighbour's garden, see the fourth forum. There, not too long ago, I posted something.

There is nothing "recently" except similar attacks on other forum users. That's why I asked.

There are two options here. Either you are poor and envious, everything is clear with this variant. Either you are rich and dumb, because even if you had enough brains to earn money (not necessarily trading), but to understand that this does not make you the hub of the earth, no.


"Recently" there's nothing but similar attacks on other forum members. That's why I asked.

There are two options here. Either you're poor and jealous, and that's easy to understand. Or you are rich and dumb, because even if you have enough brains to earn money (not necessarily trading), but to understand that this does not make you the hub of the world, no.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy. Why so much bile, my dear? Can I help you?

p.s. your options are limited and tend to the extreme, unfortunately. Theydo not reflect reality.

p.p.s. why do not you allow the possibility that I'm banal and sick of reading all sorts of crap. And my "rants", as some might misidentify, are nothing more than a desire to deal substantively with the specific issue at hand. For the chattering that goes on in the forums is getting on my nerves. And I am quite happy to help people, and I do it. Look wider, abstract or something.


I wonder... Is there even one man among you? Are any of you able to answer for your words in public for once?

After this conversation, you need to provide an algorithm for a working TC, otherwise I do not understand what it's all about. Overgrown gamers club, my ass...

There's a system... there's a system... WHERE??? PROVE IT!

Even Soros wrote a book about his reflexivity, and here you are coding algorithms for cojones with a hundred clients....what a laugh and a sin.

Your "inefficiencies" are not going anywhere, how can they disappear if you are trading with only a couple hundred of the same geniuses and a slot machine ... Feel free to tell me! You can raise your reputation and attract investors, if something worthwhile is in what you say. Now everything hinges on social popularity, the main factor is the number of likes. That's the only way to start big business. Even if someone manages to make money on his own, they will take away all the bad guys, and who will stand up for him if no one knows him and does not share his TP with anyone? Think about it at your leisure. Not sharing a strategy is like not having a family, it is a betrayal of human nature!


Not sharing a strategy is like not having a family, it is a betrayal of human nature itself!


These days, it's all about social popularity, the main factor is the number of likes. That is the only way to start big business.

Breath ( checkering )

Your "inefficiencies" aren't going anywhere, how can they go anywhere if you're only trading with a couple of hundred geniuses like them and a slot machine... Go ahead and talk! You will raise your reputation and attract investors, if what you say is sensible. Now everything hinges on social popularity, the main factor is the number of likes. That's the only way to start big business. Even if someone manages to make money on his own, they will take away all the bad guys, and who will stand up for him if no one knows him and does not share his TS with anyone? That's just it... Think about it at your leisure. Not sharing a strategy is like not having a family, it is a betrayal of human nature!


Especially the "likes business" part.



I wonder... Is there even one man among you? Are any of you able to answer for your words in public for once?

After this conversation, you need to provide an algorithm for a working TC, otherwise I do not understand what it's all about. Overgrown gamers club, my ass...

There's a system... there's a system... WHERE??? PROVE IT!

Attention! I will now present two systems and their combination will yield a third.

Write it down:

1) buy cheap, sell expensive;

2) sell expensive, buy cheap.