Looking for a manager - page 6


2*2=4 or the sum of the squares of the cathetuses equals the square of the hypotenuse is an axiom. No one has proved the contrary with a huge number of experiments. (And there is Soros, HrenFX =) who, refute what you said). Nihr...not an axiom!

Not an axiom either...

2 x 2 = 5 Proof
Take the identity

-20 = -20

Let's represent it as 16 - 36 = 25 - 45.

Add to both parts 81/4

16 - 36 + 81/4 = 25 - 45 + 81/4

On the left side is the complete square of the difference of 4 and 9/2

On the right side is the complete square of the difference of 5 and 9/2

(4 - 9/2) in Sq = (5 - 9/2) in Sq

Extract the square root of both parts of the equation.

4 - 9/2 = 5 - 9/2

4 = 5

2 х 2 = 5


2 х 2 = 5
That's not enough.
Hello Necroposters. What would you call a trade of, say, 5 minutes, which is at least 11340 times shorter than your "short term"?

Intraday, Microscalping, Arbitrage, you know why you ask. Medium term is six months or more.


speed shooter



is not an axiom either...

2 x 2 = 5 Proof
Take the identity

-20 = -20

Let's represent it as 16 - 36 = 25 - 45.

Add to both parts 81/4

16 - 36 + 81/4 = 25 - 45 + 81/4

On the left side is the complete square of the difference of 4 and 9/2

On the right side is the complete square of the difference of 5 and 9/2

(4 - 9/2) in Sq = (5 - 9/2) in Sq

Extract the square root of both parts of the equation.

4 - 9/2 = 5 - 9/2

4 = 5

2 х 2 = 5

Actually you were trying to prove (unsuccessfully) that 4=5, but you proved a little different. You proved that kids are taught crap in school, and they are just there to do their time.

It is not correct to extractthe square root from both parts. Your proof: (-0.5)*(-0.5)=(+0.5)*(+0.5), but that does not mean that -0.5=+0.5

The fact that according to "abolk" everyone is leaking is not without merit. We should ask him what he means by the word "all". I think, 5% - those who play at the exchange. The other 95% do not lose, they do not play the exchange. And among the players, of course, there are successful ones. The success rate is about the same as, for example, for programmers. By successful programmers we mean those who are able to write and debug the program, and not those who are able to pop up higher in some fake "rating".


The success rate there is about the same as, for example, that of programmers. Successful programmers are defined as those who are capable of writing and debugging a program, not those capable of popping up higher in some fake "ranking".

Are there so few programmers capable of writing and debugging a program?
Has the author found a manager or is he still suffering?

The medium term is six months or more.

The long term is decades and centuries.
And the long term, it's decades and centuries.
Yes. Bought the Eurodollar - and bequeathed the right to close the pose to great-grandchildren.

As for the intraday, micro scalping, arbitrage, you know why they ask such questions.

If you open a position at 11:59 and close it at 00:01, theoretically, this is not an intraday.

Micro scalping is five (then we have to introduce mini scalping as well).

Arbitrage can be held for weeks (on no-vault accounts).

All off the mark. But, let's leave it at that.


Why are you offering your management of other people's funds?

If you are profitable - why do you need investors? If you are losing, why do investors need you?