Looking for a manager - page 4


Good afternoon, looking for a manager. The investment amount is $10,000.

All offers will be considered. Not desirable to use martin and accumulation of unprofitable trades.

Be sure to have a trading history of not less than 6 months.

By desire of managing laying an advertising link to him / her account in his blog (I do not give a link to public access, because the rules of the forum can not), for the manager of this potential influx of customers, the attendance of the blog of 200-300 unicons a day.

Please write your suggestions through private messages.

Good afternoon. You're not on the resource looking for managers. Here you can find a programmer to implement your trading strategy. But a practicing trader, who is able to create profitable trading strategies, is unlikely to be a good programmer. It is not a priority and therefore a good trader is likely to know programming very superficially. The opposite is also true, a good programmer is likely to be a mediocre trader, i.e. a plummer. Therefore:

Invest your spare money in your family, or if you don't have one, in an orphanage. It will do you more good - they will sell it out anyway. Financial markets are evil and a haven for Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat. Investments are investments in the Land of Fools.
Fool's Land:
In this expression you are missing the key factor - the time horizon. So my answer to you would be - yes, I claim that everyone eventually drains everything. Only some people admit it, and others get smart, and others build their trading systems with this statement in mind. Those who build their systems with this statement in mind - do not lose. But these miserable few people do not hold PAMMs, do not trade signals, do not sell expert advisers, etc., etc.

Unlike some people, I have not seen any contradictions. It's stated honestly and to the point. But this has nothing to do with the fact that all private managers and funds cannot make a profit on exchange speculation. They do and they make a lot, sometimes so much so that I cannot believe it! Another thing is that if there is profit, they share it with an outside investor only to the minimum, only that which cannot be given or concealed. And I know what I am talking about.

PAMMs, signals, advisers sold for pennies, this is bullshit. MARKET-OBSESSED TYPES OF BUSINESS. Small business for the sellers, small drain for the buyers. I have nothing against it, but it has nothing to do with trading. They may sell T-shirts with the emblems of bears and bulls, and they may as well call themselves traders. But there is a demand and there is a supply, it's an axiom. That's why it is the way it is and the way it will be.

You should not attack abolk as a heretic. Judging by his rating and reviews, he is a high-level mql-programmer and if you have a trading strategy, I'm sure he will quickly and accurately implement it, if you are able to formalize it in algorithmic way. I personally respected him for his directness and honesty. He never claimed that trading and auto-trading in particular is loss-making in principle, but only that it all depends on the trading strategy. The programmer has nothing to do with it.

Therefore, if necessary, I will turn to him in the first place, as someone who can openly say what he thinks and not wiggle his way through the small stuff.



PAMMs, signals, advisors sold for pennies, that's bullshit. .... It all depends on the trading strategy. And the programmer has nothing to do with it.

I have never seen advisors sold for pennies - usually for dollars or rubles. As for the programmer's contribution to the implementation of the trading strategy algorithm - he is directly relevant to its performance (at least). I like it very much when the programmer tells his opinion about this or that point in the ToR - sometimes this leads to better decisions, sometimes it is worth insisting on his opinion - but it is always more interesting to work with someone who works with passion on the implementation of the ToR, rather than with someone who silently gives the result to the mountain. /I don't want to "shadow" any of the programmers in any way.
m.butya: Therefore, if need be,I will go to him first, as someone who can openly say what he thinks and not wiggle his way through the small stuff.
Funny "obfuscation" (or is it not an obfuscation?). To the Annals!

He never claimed that trading and auto-trading in particular is unprofitable in principle, but only that it depends on the trading strategy.

m.butya, you must not be paying attention, here is his statement:

So my answer to you would be - yes, I claim that everyone ends up losing everything.


You should not have jumped on abolk as a heretic. Judging by his rating and reviews, he is a high-level mql programmer.

In vain? He is making a clown out of it. Although the programmer may be normal. But the rating does not say anything.

A funny "typo" (or is it a typo?). To the Annals!
It depends on whether the person meets the stated characteristics and how polite they are.

Still, I keep looking for decent trustees.

Regarding the comments about looking in the wrong place

I prefer to work with managers who use scalping, and I usually find them among those who either write their own scalpers or develop other people's ones. In any case automated trading is often more predictable - with trading patterns that do not change over time. But other variants are also considered in principle...


Would futures account management on CME work for you? Trading is short term, positions last from a week to 3 weeks.


Would futures account management on CME work for you? Trading is short term, positions last from a week to 3 weeks.

Hello Necroposters. What would you call a trade of, say, 5 minutes, which is at least 11340 times shorter than your "short term" trade?

Managing a futures account

what's that ?