The RAM is not freeing up... - page 5

Hrenfx, yes, an agent can get the history of any broker, but only within the chain "customer terminal(order settlement) -> cloud servers(caches) -> agent".

Agents never access any trade server, neither do cloud servers access trade servers. Agents keep their own caches, but clean them up from time to time depending on frequency of requests.

Agents standing on the same computer in the same directory know how to communicate with each other, and only download history once, sharing it with each other.
Renat, you misunderstand me as we are from different (not opposing) camps of thought. A trader for the initial evaluation of a broker's trading conditions almost always needs the real-history of the broker of interest. Not everyone allows you to open a Zero-Account. However, your "cloud servers(caches)" contain this history and share it with the trader's agents with no problem. Can you then meet the traders, and allow traders to download the real history of interested brokers from your cache servers, as it is done automatically in cloud-agents? Such a solution would be at least some logical justification for not having custom history. Especially since you have already implemented it.
Renat, you misunderstand me as we are from different (not opposing) camps of thought. A trader for the initial evaluation of a broker's trading conditions almost always needs the real-history of the broker of interest. Not everyone allows you to open a Zero-Account. However, your "cloud servers(caches)" contain this history and share it with the trader's agents with no problem. Can you then meet the traders, and allow traders to download the real history of interested brokers from your cache servers, as it is done automatically in cloud-agents? Such a solution would be at least some logical justification for not having custom history. Especially since you already have it implemented.

I understand everything perfectly.

But history can only be given as part of claud tasks and can in no way be given out in the open. Cloud servers keep temporary caches, which they also delete on inactivity. In other words, there is no guarantee of data availability outside of a particular computational task.

Reread my reply, please, and note that there are no trading servers in the chain. The root is solely the customer terminal.

Not to prolong the discussion - this behaviour will not be changed for a host of reasons, including technical and legal.



Are the volumes of historical bases that I cited in the post above normal?

Could you please comment on this point?

We are sorting it out now. The sizes are actually something big.

It is an odd situation. The trader who needs the history from a certain broker cannot get it in a simple way, while his agents on their own computers receive this history when someone initiates even a dummy advisor in the cludes.

Then the following option seems reasonable: let the agent already uploaded the history of any broker to use the tester at the discretion of the trader.

P.S. Or at least open in the form of offline charts the history available to their agents.

The problem is still relevant...
And yet...
But it's still there...
You've upgraded to a new build and the problem still hasn't been solved?
But the problem is still there...

The problem has been sorted out, it was due to an infrequent clearing of history updates.

In the new build everything will be fine and file sizes will be trimmed.

Have you upgraded to a new build and still have a problem?
It was noticed again today that the agent was eating up more than 2GB of RAM.
Today it was noticed again that the agent was eating up more than 2GB of RAM.

I was only talking about the file size problem. Older versions of historical blocks were stored there without being deleted.

The RAM is already being used by the experts themselves.