mt5/mt4? - page 8

There's one masiple advantage, in ninja you can buy shares in Apple or Sber, and in MT5 it's a plan for year 15.

Reminds me of something...


Reminds me of...

MK earns money from the sale of DC software. Therefore the priority on the requirements of the DC is obvious.

I've wasted half a year waiting in vain.

The MT4 is quite enough, and without the MT server.

,,you are hard to understand what you want....

,,If you have not had time to drain your first deposit on any MT, then start now, why wait until the 15th year?

If you are interested in more paper, there are enough alternatives for today, what do you expect?



,,you are hard to understand what you want....

,,If you have not had time to drain your first deposit on any MT, then start now, why wait until the 15th year?

If you are interested in more papers, there are enough alternatives for today, what do you expect here?


I have not only managed to lose my deposit, but I have also made a decent profit.

I finally realized that I'm bored with wagging my fingers and I need to code my own approach.

The next question - on what? I wanted versatility so that I would not need to rewrite it when changing a symbol or broker.

It turns out that MT4 is available in MT5 and it is certified to exchanges. I thought it was great. Half a year has passed and demo for one futures appeared, ababalde pace, stock in the long run.

Finally I went back to MT4. After the successful launch I will order modifications to link it with Quicksec because I can only trade on decentralized market without depository, investors ask for legally confirmed statements of assets at the end of each day.



.................It's a very strange situation in general.

I have a question therefore: What is the probability of this strange outcome of events that mt5 will never take root? Will mt4 stay and go its own way. I think it is important to know. According to my estimations mql5 will take years to be mastered on good level and i should be sure that in a couple of years all brokerage companies will work with mt5 like they do with mt4 now.

I have already started working with MQL5 and have a good experience in this field.

Sincerely Alex.

MT5 will replace MT4 - when I say so.

You may understand it however you want.

I have not got anyone brave enough to tell Rinat the truth on the forum, maybe they are afraid of being banned. So be it, let me be the first truth teller.

Rinat and the MK company have lost all sense of reality. They are like a trader who has entered a large, complex, complex trading position, and the position is going in the wrong direction, they are afraid to admit to themselves that they made a mistake. Not badly wrong, the money is there yet, but wrong.

It's not about the technological superiority of MT5 over MT4 or competitors. It's more about emotions, emotional recognition of your own mistakes.

Ha ha! How ironic! If the management had traded on the market, for themselves, for fun, they would have known how painful it is to admit their mistakes (or under-estimate the idiocy of the market), and to CLOSE THE POSITION. Sometimes, the trader is NOT CAPABLE of closing a losing position, he waits. The trader just gets stuck. It happens that there should be someone close, who just tell the trader, "Close. Just close.

Rinat and company, by their bans, have dispersed all of their "close people on the forums", those who would have been able to critically suggest what was wrong in time.

For example, I, as an experienced programmer, understand perfectly well the amount of QUALITY work done by MK staff to release MT5, and why it is MUCH BETTER THAN Mt4 from the inside.

(Rinat, you have a standard attack for critics: "first, show me your works comparable to MT4, and only then we'll talk on equal terms". Don't apply that to me. "Real programmers don't write programs.").

But OUTSIDE, to the trader, these improvements to MT5 are insignificant, and in sum are far WAY worse than MT4. This includes anti-natural "object-oriented programming", lots of secondary functions to learn, and so on.

MT4 is not a system for trading, it is a GOOD system for TRADING LEARNING and for developing almost any trading strategy. For example, to trade shares, the MT5 system requires changes and improvements, because Shares are more a JURIDICAL ACTION than a speculative trading one. But it is clear to anyone that MKs would very much like to launch the MT5 into the stock market. As an experienced programmer, I personally understand the threat of redesigning such a complex complex complex as the MT5 - for equities - from within, and the fear felt by MK's core programming team just at the thought of having to change something. MK's mistake is that they thought that equity trading is such a subset of forex trading, and by simply "writing a gateway" they can be reduced to a common denominator.

The giddiness of success has clouded the eyes of MK management, and they now take any criticism, or any suggestion of changes to the MT5 as maligning. The problem is that with money coming in from MT4 they will apparently hold on to the losing position of MT5 until they "win". The pause may last for years, but Rinat and company have been warned here, as I have warned before.

That's the truth.

My God, what nonsense.

Don't approach a business that requires long-term capture and redistribution of the market (which has been ours for a long time) as a one-day sale of patties in a shop or a speculative buy-sell.

It is the theoretical programmers who come to the market with their naive worldviews, broadcast, criticize what exists, start projects, sometimes even create something, but then face realities and realize that they got into total hopelessness. Everything dies at the stage of "how to implement it and how to sell it".

To think that Metakvots "can't do this, they have a weak glass, etc." - is the usual complacency of competitors. But this is very good for us.

This is the fifth platform we have created and implemented. Each launch was accompanied by hooting and mass criticism in the forums. Moreover, the instigators were always some "professional programmers, not unlike Metakvots". All 12 years.

To give us business advice and evaluations, you need to have worked in practice in the development and marketing of trading platforms. This is to understand basic stuff, not to substitute it with trivial erudition.
My God, what nonsense.

To give us business advice and assessments, you need to have worked in practice in developing and marketing trading platforms. This is to understand basic stuff, not to substitute it with trivial erudition.

Or maybe the average person doesn't need it. You don't need to know about marketing and development, about server technology, about a bunch of basic stuff.

And just to be able to test in software his writing on any story available to him (not the kitchen). Just buy/sell an asset in a market that is regulated and the counterparty will be fined/jailed for violations. Not to take full responsibility and agree to any manipulation by the kitchen "partner".

Vitaly, you have already proven yourself - your record goes round and round, you are owed everything, you are given everything, you are guaranteed everything.

But you yourself have not been seen to take any positive action. Or have you created something for our community?
Oh my God, what a load of crap.


Well, this is exactly what I'm talking about.

In C, MQL4, MQL5 there is a Break operator to exit a loop.

(For my reference: I wrote my dissertation about the economic analysis of enterprises to evaluate and trade their stocks back in 1992, when I was in the Soviet Union. Around 1995 I built the first dealing room in Ukraine, just opposite the National Bank building. In 1999, I traded my money on the Nasdaq and NYSE).

Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операторы / Оператор завершения break
Документация по MQL5: Основы языка / Операторы / Оператор завершения break
Основы языка / Операторы / Оператор завершения break - Документация по MQL5
Vitaly, you have already shown yourself - your record goes round and round, you are owed everything, you are given everything, you are guaranteed everything.

But you yourself have not been seen to take a single positive action. Or have you created something for our community?

Do you think that only eulogies are constructive?

You often talk about 12 years of experience. Tell me, how much turnover in stock trading have you done yourself? It is by trading that you understand what is necessary and what is not.