Service Work: Towards re-shaping the Top Developers towards professionalism - page 17


and that every customer does that?

You're funny, what's all the ranting about? Nothing to do, apparently. It's like all forex people. Imagine that these are trading styles, some are pipsing, some are mid-term traders, and some are long-term traders.
You're funny, what's all the ranting about? Nothing to do, apparently. It's like all forex people. They are all trading styles, some are pipsing, some are mid-term traders, and some are long-term traders.
Yes, you can imagine a boredom, a fucking creative crisis)
Yeah, can you imagine the boredom, the fucking creative crisis?)
There's a great solution - write something for yourself.
There is a great solution method - write something for yourself

Again, who is going to pay who and how much. There is a lot to discuss with the public. And whether in such a case it is necessary to go through the service. In general, everything is not easy.

Even if he can negotiate the price ))).

There's a great solution - write something for yourself

so I'm writing for myself.)

Again, who will pay who and how much . There is something to consult with people. And whether in such a case it is necessary to conduct through the service. In general, everything is not easy.

And for free, bypassing the service )))


I'm writing for myself.)

And for free, bypassing the service ))

No freebies, that's dumping. They'll get banned. They ( competitors ) just waiting for that. Only through the service and with complete correspondence. Preferably with a scandal and swearing.

It's a very funny thread, though. Half of them are still in communism with one foot in the door.

I especially liked this one.

1. A competition for performers with work done by the papa class.

2 The cost of the work depends directly on the performer's expenses

Yeah, can you imagine the boredom, the creative fucking crisis?)
Here's a boredom challenge for you.
Here's a boredom challenge for you.
Antoshka tilt-tilt.)
Antoshka tilt-tilt )
Sorry, didn't get the joke of the humour!