Service Work: Towards re-shaping the Top Developers towards professionalism - page 16


Well, you can't tell by the deadline how long it takes to get them there. During this time, the customer can distract the contractor.

It's done in an hour. Are you telling me that you are able to serve eight customers in a working day and every day?

If they have a clear statement of work, then yes I can. But yes to the job can be a problem fleshed out to the lack of it, we have to communicate and make in place or understand that they have there ponapisali.) That is then, of course a maximum of 3-4 orders is. On a good day there were up to 7 completed orders if the TOR was agreed upon yesterday.

I am not complaining about the customer's time being included in the time accounting, I think it is legitimate, because the work is not just the involvement of the programmer alone, the customer must check the work in any case.

It is nonsense that the customer's time should not be included in the time accounting, but what will be lost if the funds are transferred 3-4 days later.

If so urgent before completing the same customer's contacts, and if you think you're ready to call him to agree to complete the work.

ZS: I all this to say that you are somewhere in the customer's time)

The time is the criterion to judge the contractor, the customer should not be able to influence it, it's absurd.

It's obvious, don't you understand such simple things? ))))

If they have a clear terms of reference then yes I can. But yes with the job there are problems to the point of its absence, have to communicate and make in place or understand that they are there ponasipali). On a good day there were up to 7 completed orders.
Uh-huh, we believe it :))) Completed projects 108. First date: 2011.10.10. Total 420 days.
Uh-huh, we do :))) Completed projects 108. First date: 2011.10.10. Total 420 days.

What's that got to do with it?

You don't seem to understand, there's an order, it's a question of how long it takes you to get it done. I claim that more than half of the orders are done in less than an hour. What does it matter how many orders have been completed since the first one?

P.S. I mentioned that in the service is done less than 5% of my work. Want to make sure - order something, you will see) even if you can watch the process.


I told you to use your brain...

Time is the criterion for evaluating the contractor, the client should not be able to influence it, this is absurd.

It is obvious, don't you understand such simple things? ))))

Sorry, but I can't turn your brain on you, I'm powerless in this.

Don't you work with the customer? Don't you communicate with him and don't you waste his time clarifying terms of reference, etc.

ZS: in construction, the time of delivery is when the customer signs the acceptance certificate. It is a common practice, is it not clear?


What's that got to do with it?

You don't seem to understand, there's an order, it's a question of how long it takes you to get it done. I claim that more than half of the orders are done in less than an hour. What does it matter how many orders have been completed since the first one?

P.S. I mentioned that the service does less than 5% of my work.

Well well done, you can work for 5 quid a piece, good luck!

I'm sorry, but I can't turn on your brain, I'm powerless to do that.

Don't you work with the customer? Don't you communicate with him and don't you waste his time clarifying terms of reference, etc.

SZS: In construction, the time of delivery is when the customer put his signature on the act of acceptance of the object. It is a common practice, is it not clear?

In case you didn't understand, I was talking about your brain.

Clarification of TOR is done before "agreeing on TOR", the execution time is counted from that point. We are not talking about a situation where changes are made at the request of the customer and the work is not completed, we are talking about the situation where the TOR is agreed, the work is done, the customer accepted it, but after N days (not immediately) and to this point absenteeism.

Z.U. It's funny how people trying to argue against the obvious facts are trying to move into other areas. What do you want to prove? To whom?)

Well, good for you, you can work for five quid a pop, good luck!
Thanks, no can do.
Thank you, no I can't.
What's stopping you? Nothing is in the way, you can easily handle 10 people a day and so every day, no interference.

In case you didn't understand, I was talking about your brain

Clarification of TOR is made before "agreeing on the TOR", the execution time is counted from that moment. We are not talking about a situation where changes are made at the request of the customer and the work is not completed, we are talking about the situation where the TOR is agreed, the work is done, the customer accepted it, but after N days (not immediately) and until then absent.

Z.U. It's funny how people trying to argue against the obvious facts are trying to move into other areas. What do you want to prove? To whom?)

Does every customer do that?