What is a PUPPET? - page 7

I don't think we need to talk about any point benchmarks (like: 4 digits on that exchange!!!), because when prices fall, a smaller point is needed (introducing an extra digit), when prices rise, greater precision is not needed. Look at the JPY pairs. Hence, it is all ephemeral.
I don't think we need to talk about any point benchmarks (like: 4 digits on that exchange!!!), because when the price is falling a smaller point is needed (introducing an extra digit), when the price is rising more precision is not needed. Look at the JPY pairs. Hence, it is all ephemeral.

2-3 pips from the JPY is due to the low value of the yen.

The link between the number of pips and price movement is not clear at all.


2-3 pips from the JPY is due to the low value of the yen.

The connection between the number of pips and the price movement is not clear at all.

Is growing up from one year to two years old equivalent to growing up from 83 to 84 years old? It's the same year. That's basically what you mean - the low value of the yen.


For your information, the aforementioned banks have separate divisions in charge of forex. It goes so far that a simple bank employee does not know how to put money into your forex account through a cashier and cannot call anywhere to find out how to do this, he simply does not have the contacts of the second division. That's what they say, Alfa forex and Alfa bank are two different entities not related to each other at all apart from the brand name. These units are also registered offshore and are not subject to any regulatory bodies of the Russian Federation and do not require licensing. In other words, these units are most likely the most common kitchens. The fact that they give a fixed spread and round quotes up to 4 points hints at the fact that they are kitchens.

You don't understand what a spread is and how trading in currencies and stocks works. I will try to explain it to you. There are two types of players in the market - active and passive. If you come to the market, stand behind the counter with some stuff - you are a passive player - you have set limit orders (selllimit APPLE 55rub/kg). If you come to the market to buy products - you are an active player - you look for the minimum price (quality of goods is lowered) - you look for the minimum Ask and buy (take someone's selllimit). This is the way any other market works. active players always converge with passive players. The market is different from transactions between two people in person. In the stock and currency market, no one trades (because there is no personal contact + huge liquidity which negates the point of trading), some people offer and others take away. If you make a trade in person, we are talking about two active players.

Since forex has no centre, we have to explain how it works. Generally speaking, a first-tier broker consolidates offers from a large number of banks to which he is connected. The minimum bid and maximum ask forms the spread. Nobody earns on spread as they teach beginners in all sorts of dirty kitchens like T*l*Trade. That's why you need a commission for making trades and for taking credit (if your leverage is higher than 1:0). The absence of swaps and commissions is another sign of a kitchen. You can't just ignore them.

Interbank trading is done with 5 pips, so you can consider it the benchmark in Forex.

Dear! With regard to VTB24 you are not pulling dust in your eyes if you do not know! I am a customer of this bank and everything with Forex is official. I have an account in Russia with their bank. From any branch the crediting without any problems.

As for Alfa-Forex, again you are not telling the truth, so you do not know. The answer came from an employee of the bank Имя@alfabank.ru.

Well, as for an explanation of how the exchanges work and how orders are executed. For the sake of interest go to the MICEX or the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange and read the rules and other documents, it is all described there. No one is looking for anything. You should not put your speculations and fantasies out there as truth, because the stock market is quite regulated and all processes are described. There is a commission and there is a spread - and that is the earnings of the regulator above you. Or have you never bought currency from an exchange office?


Gentlemen, this is no way to communicate.
One is about forex, the other about stocks.
One is talking about the unregulated market and the other about the regulated one.

One says that all brokers in Russia are regulated by the Cyprus/Maltese law, while the other is talking about his account at some bank.
And he waves a piece of paper with an email address on it. How does an address prove anything?

Shaved, haircut.

KffAlex, it's obvious from your posts that you don't fully understand the workings of a broker/DC/cookie. You know a lot but you don't fully understand it. Proof of that is the very existence of this thread with its title.

As a consequence, you start demagoguing and trolling. Don't.

Please communicate on the subject. Or if you have decided for yourself a question about "What is a PUPPET?", it is better not to continue.


And he also waves a piece of paper with an email address on it.

No, he's waving :)

Gentlemen, how is it possible to communicate like this?
One is about forex, the other about stocks.
one about the unregulated market and the other about the regulated one.

One says that all brokers in Russia are regulated by the Cyprus/Maltese law, while the other is talking about his account at some bank.
And he waves a piece of paper with an email address on it. How does an address prove anything?

Shaved, haircut.

KffAlex, it's obvious from your posts that you don't fully understand the workings of a broker/DC/cookie. You know a lot but you don't fully understand it. Proof of that is the very existence of the theme with its title.

As a consequence, you start demagoguing and trolling. Don't.

Please communicate on the subject. Or if you have decided for yourself a question about "What is a PUNCH?", it is better not to continue this thread.

Truth is born in an argument, my friend - that's for starters! You read it right at the beginning and apparently you only read it at the end. I want a COMPETENT (that's the key word) answer, and that implies, not personal theories, but at least a link to the primary source. That people share their thoughts - that's fine (thanks all), I frankly had no idea that indeed the 5 mark could be introduced because of the spread, now I know.

P.S. This thread I created not so you give estimates (which no one else is interested) to my or someone else's actions, texts and knowledge and flooded here is not on topic, but for the reason, apparently, you do not understand. First of all, you should write down your arguments as you really are and then together we would make conclusions about my and your knowledge. Or maybe just make a remark if we have gone too far. And earning yourself stats, thereby gaining dubious credibility, is a pastime for duh... moderators.


Dear! About VTB24, don't pull the wool over your eyes if you don't know! I am a client of this bank and everything with Forex is official. The account within Russia is in their bank. From any branch the crediting without any problems.

As for Alfa-Forex, again you are not telling the truth, so you do not know. The answer came from an employee of the bank Имя@alfabank.ru.

Well, as for an explanation of how the exchanges work and how orders are executed. For the sake of interest go to the MICEX or the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange and read the rules and other documents, it is all described there. No one is looking for anything. You should not put your speculations and fantasies out there as truth, because the stock market is quite regulated and all processes are described. There is a commission and there is a spread - and that is the earnings of the regulator above you. Or have you never bought currency in an exchange office?

The fact that the account is in a bank does not change anything. What difference does it make where the money is? They do not owe anyone anything and transactions are not posted anywhere.

He speaks the truth, I see, about that employee. Ask him some serious philosophical questions, such as: Is there a God, why do we live? (sarcasm) alfabank.ru is just a domain, it is not tied to the company, and the daughter can use it without problems, as well as the mailbox of the same domain. The fact that it is offshore does not change anything.

Apparently you yourself have not read these regulations.

Funny you, you ask questions, you are given reasoned answers and you start to get angry for no reason and call everyone idiots (not literally), why?

I read the whole thread, but still do not understand one thing (imho, the main one): what is the difference - point=0.0001 or 0.00001? How does it affect trading in general and automated trading in particular?