What is a PUPPET? - page 6

About the point we can say this: on Chicago exchange, where currency futures are traded, there is a four-digit quotation system and this is an accepted and long-established standard, i.e. there buy and sell orders cannot come closer than 1 point, but it may happen that buying and selling at one price, i.e. spread=0. A pip is an established concept, so to say, historically formed, and all normal companies that have the fifth sign understand a pip as the 4th sign, and the fifth-fractional part. And the fifth sign came from "brokers" who aggregate the liquidity of multiple banks, which increases accuracy. That's the answer: item-4 sign, fifth-fractional.
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Виды заявок в стакане цен
Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Виды заявок в стакане цен
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Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Виды заявок в стакане цен - Документация по MQL5
You still haven't calculated (you haven't given the calculations) what is the point for the "centres" to "generate this sign for the sake of MINIFOREX". Exactly "for the sake of MINIFOREX".
See above. To be able to get a spread not a multiple of 1, i.e. from 0.1 in 0.1 increments. The usual competitive advantage! It's as simple as that!


Yedelkin: You never calculated (did not give the calculations) what is the point for the "centres" to "generate this sign for the sake of MINIFOREX". Exactly "for the sake of MINIFOREX".

See above. To be able to get a spread not a multiple of 1, i.e. from 0.1 in 0.1 increments. The usual competitive advantage! It's as simple as that!

You never calculated (didn't give the calculations) what is the point for "centres" to "generate this sign for the sake of MINIFOREX". Exactly "for the sake of MINIFOREX". Just words and your own opinions.

Here's an idea, you have 1 cent. What do you gain or lose by switching from 4-digit quotes to 5-digit quotes?

About the point we can say this: on Chicago exchange, where currency futures are traded, there is a four-digit quotation system and this is an accepted and long-established standard, i.e. there buy and sell orders cannot come closer than 1 point, but it may happen that buying and selling at one price, i.e. spread=0. The point is an established concept, so to say, historically formed, and all normal companies that have the fifth sign understand the point as the 4th sign, and the fifth-fractional part. And the fifth sign came from "brokers" who aggregate the liquidity of multiple banks, which increases accuracy. That's the answer: point-4 sign, fifth-fractional.
I am of the same opinion, if it were not for the terms, about the change in the minimum price ))))))
223231: Here is the answer: Point-4 sign, fifth fractional.
Blessed is he who believes. Especially when he discovers that there is at least a "7-symbol" as well.

You still haven't calculated (you haven't given the calculations) what is the point for the "centres" to "generate this mark for the sake of MINIFOREX". Exactly "for the sake of MINIFOREX". Just words and your own opinions.

You are very funny! Naturally - this is my personal opinion. Since there is no fifth digit on any official source, it begs the question, "Where did it come from and what is it for?" The only answer is to split the spread when working with different leverage variants. And this is necessary to attract traders with small deposits, up to $100 for example, and other competitive tricks. I just don't know what else to tell you, what mathematical reasoning do you need?

KffAlex: You are very funny! Naturally - this is my personal opinion. Since there is no fifth digit on any official source, it begs the question, "Where did it come from and what is it for?" The only answer is to split the spread when working with different leverage variants. And this is necessary to attract traders with small deposits, up to $100 for example, and other competitive tricks. I just don't know what else to tell you, what kind of mathematical reasoning do you need?
Time is of the essence.
Look on the internet for the subject of "unrounded prices". It's just one marketing strategy. You are very familiar with it when you go to the shops. And the prices are of course taken from the "pot". In this case, it's the same thing.
Look on the internet for the subject of "unrounded prices". It's just one marketing strategy. You are very familiar with it when you go to the shops. And the prices are of course taken from the "pot". In this case it's the same thing.
Thank you. Yes, I'd like it to be officious. If you do not know what to expect, you cannot be sure of the correctness of the result. Further, Vasya: I take prices from Reuters, Bloomberg, and I add the fifth digit by random number ejection function or by totalizer when the fourth digit has passed. I hereby officially declare that the 5th digit is a fiction and is not a clause! )))))))))))))))))) Or we can put it this way: Reuters (or Bloomberg): we have long concealed from everyone that there are 7 digits, but being self-serving capitalists used the NormalizeDouble(Argument,4) function to get rich with frightening force! We apologise and report bankruptcy))))))))))))
Документация по MQL5: Преобразование данных / NormalizeDouble
Документация по MQL5: Преобразование данных / NormalizeDouble
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Преобразование данных / NormalizeDouble - Документация по MQL5
I do not agree with you. VTB24 is 4 marks (at least it was in the summer, minimum lot 1). Alfa forex is sort of an official division of Alfa Bank (can't be a kitchen). More! Bloomberg, as a 3rd and 5th digit data provider does not have it at all. Regarding Alpari: they have a point sign on their calculator page and it's the 4th. http://www.alpari.ru/ru/trading/calculator/

For your information, the aforementioned banks have separate divisions in charge of forex. It goes so far that a simple bank employee does not know how to put money into your forex account through a cashier and cannot call anywhere to find out how to do this, he simply does not have the contacts of the second division. That's what they say, Alfa forex and Alfa bank are two different entities not related to each other at all apart from the brand name. These units are also registered offshore and are not subject to any regulatory bodies of the Russian Federation and do not require licensing. In other words, these units are most likely the most common kitchens. The fact that they give a fixed spread and round quotes up to 4 points hints at the fact that they are kitchens.

The spread can only be screwed by the regulator (as payment for its services) and for us it is a dealer!

You don't understand what a spread is and how trading in currencies and stocks works. I will try to explain it to you. There are two types of players in the market - active and passive. If you come to the market, stand behind the counter with some stuff - you are a passive player - you have set limit orders (selllimit APPLE 55rub/kg). If you come to the market to buy products - you are an active player - you look for the minimum price (quality of goods is lowered) - you look for the minimum Ask and buy (take someone's selllimit). This is the way any other market works. active players always converge with passive players. The market is different from transactions between two people in person. In the stock and currency market, no one trades (because there is no personal contact + huge liquidity which negates the point of trading), some people offer and others take away. If you make a trade in person, we are talking about two active players.

Since forex has no centre, we have to explain how it works. Generally speaking, a first-tier broker consolidates offers from a large number of banks to which he is connected. The minimum bid and maximum ask forms the spread. Nobody earns on spread as they teach beginners in all sorts of dirty kitchens like T*l*Trade. That's why you need a commission for making trades and for taking credit (if your leverage is higher than 1:0). The absence of swaps and commissions is another sign of a kitchen. You can't just ignore them.

Interbank trading is done at 5 pips, so you could consider it the benchmark in Forex.