What is a PUPPET? - page 3

Yes yes yes, absolutely right, and we're all doing ballet here.
At least someone's being honest with themselves.
I see you have a particularly deep knowledge of something that has nothing to do with the market or forex.
You're looking in the wrong place.
At least someone's being honest with themselves.
Yeah, wait for the announcement, soon at the Bolshoi Theatre...
I suggest you ask Renat what the point is. He is the most authoritative person on this forum, he should know for sure.

St.Vitaliy: Термину пункт уже лет 300 наверное и к форексу отношения он не имеет.

Yeah yeah yeah, absolutely right, and we're all doing ballet here.

St.Vitaliy : At least someone is honest with himself

I suggest asking Renat what a point is. He is the most authoritative person on this forum, he should know for sure.

Yes yes, who better to talk about the market than a programmer who does not live off the market.

No offense to Renat, I am talking in general about programmers who make money on near-market services.

It's all clear! Happy birthday to the new troll!
Dimitri, you have defined a point so clearly and concisely. Can you also give definitions of trend and flat?
DmitriyN: I suggest you ask Renat what the point is. He is the most authoritative person on this forum, he should know for sure.
To begin with, it would be advisable to clarify exactly what is unclear about the definition of a point in the reference materials.
Dimitri, you have defined a point so clearly and concisely. Can you also give definitions of trend and flat?
And what are you today? A troll attack?