Repetitive patterns and other patterns - page 29


It's hardly an organised system, in the sense that some guys are paying for trolling to some suckers. I think it's self-organised, whether consciously or not everyone realises that the more people who are misled, the more profitable they are. I don't know why they do it and they cannot do it properly, I will ask them: first they omit Martingale, then they say that all expert advisors are bullshit, then they proclaim signals, profitable PAMM accounts and asset management in general, and finish with saying that the system trading is a myth and the market is not predictable by TA and FA.

I feel that soon I myself will become like this, but my conscience is still struggling. But it is inevitable.

So do not pay attention. The dog barks and the caravan moves:) While you are on the right track, do not let yourself be broken by these provocateurs.

Again, the conspiracy, who the hell needs it to mislead you, trolling is a way of self-expression.

You troll a smart guy and you're smarter than he is. That's it, no more conspiracy theories.

There is a category of people who subconsciously know how to troll, they have mastered this art in school and kindergarten, they do not even realize that trolling, they just think that it is necessary at any cost to win an argument.

The essence of an argument is to establish the truth. But a troll does not care about the truth, which means they can argue outside the rules.


Conspiracies again, who the hell needs to mislead you, trolling is a way of expressing yourself.

I benefit from misleading you and you benefit from misleading me. Part of your flush is my gain, simple as that. I never said anything about a conspiracy, no one is negotiating with anyone, it's a decentralised system. You can't call it a conspiracy, a conspiracy of all against all)).

On black they say white and on white black, everything is simple, statistically always main part is fools and they will accept even absolutely delirious exhortations, then according to delirium will make transactions and accordingly partially will share with the one who has led them astray, by means of his flush.

In my opinion the iModify-gunia confrontation is a dispute between an honest man and a manipulator. I don't know who learned it in kindergarten or university, but it's a fact.

Sorry for the off-topic...


What a beauty...

I propose to redirect the conversation from flood, to a contest of market inefficiencies formulas, "purely on the money", i.e. without cost.

The conditions are as follows: We look only for patterns in the series, summarize the constant multiplier without applying any MM scaling. TS in the form of an indicator giving out signals (1,0,-1) and the indicator-tester which calculates TS-indicator.


What a flattery... I propose to redirect the communication from the flood, to a contest of market inefficiencies formulas, "purely by the book", i.e. without regard to costs.

I'll pass.

Sub-spread patterns are of particular interest to MarketMakers (creating-improving MM-algorithms, i.e. playing against traders).

Therefore, I propose to rename the branch to "Love your enemy, fill the pockets of Market Makers" in this case.




We only look for patterns in series, we summarize with constant multiplier, without using any MM scaling. TS in the form of indicator giving out signals (1,0,-1) and tester-indicator which calculates TS-indicator.

Another call to the void. IMHO

I would be happy to share some of my experiences, for altruistic reasons, although no, rather from the idea testing, tuning and in order to find people interested in my topic. But on the other hand a publicly expressed idea is a dead idea, so it turns out it is sacrilege to my own creations. Therefore, such conversations will probably not take place, such dialogues can go in private or on closed resources.

So either we modify the terms of communication in such a way that the open idea expressed in the open, was not taken into account in a month in the costs for all brokerage companies or we can just measure the curves)))). Without disclosing the intricacies of their generating algorithms.

PS Funnily enough! I`ve watched the TV commercial of brokerage companies today where they were advertising an automatic device for generation of Expert Advisors... No way... The industry is gaining its popularity as long as they show it on TV.


Curves are not interesting. But the truth is yours.


Sub-spread patterns are of particular interest to MarketMakers (creating-improving MM algorithms, i.e. playing against traders).

You shouldn't be so categorical, some can be spun. So go ahead )
Don't be so categorical, some can be spun. So go ahead )
I didn't say they are useless for a trader, not at all. I mean I'm not going to post "formulas". :)

Curves are no fun.


It's easier just to have a pissing match then.


It's easier just to measure pussy, then.

Not easier, that's exactly what was meant)) Measuring xyz. Bisic approbation etc... The merits are much more powerful than any clever rhetoric.


PS A joke! Today I saw on TV an advertisement of brokerage companies with some kind of automatic device for generation of Expert Advisors... Wow... The industry is gaining popularity as it is being advertised on TV.

Why on TV, you can also see how automatically generated EAs work in signals.


It's not easier, that's exactly what they meant)) Measuring xyz. Bias testing, etc... The merits are much weightier than any clever rhetoric.

So, you show your merits for comparison, but not drawn on a screenshot, but working in real time.