Who has already tried the Signals subscription to get on the tail of ATC 2012 participants? - page 22


are you a provider or a subscriber?

I'm a subscriber. Read my posts here, you'll learn a lot of interesting things.

on the plus side of what? open pose or balance?

You're on the plus side with floating profits, and you'll always be on the plus side, even when the Expert Advisor is quietly losing money.

it is not possible.

it's the posture that's in sync.

but since the terminal knows the opening price of the provider's pose, the synchronisation is at least as good as the available price. Otherwise the pose is not synchronized.

This is what was written in the regulation. Renat's first post.

If the price should be no worse than the existing price, then the service can be closed
If the price is expected to be no worse, the service may be closed.

Why not?

On PAMMs this is solved by rollovers.

On the signals, the providers will need to close positions so that newcomers get synchronized.

And the provider needs to see how many people are waiting for the connection. They do not want to lose the spread for nothing.


The bottom line for me is to take the championship as a starting point. For example, the last one. Let's see how many orders per day an average EA has.

I do not know how many, say 15.

I do not understand how the depo can be drained when "synchronizing now" at the stage of copying.

I can only guess how much matting there will be when the copier is waiting for Mercury to enter the constellation of Cassiopeia under a new moon for the second week to synchronize according to supposedly safe rules.


on the signals, providers will need to do position closures to get newcomers in sync.

Damn, Alexey, do you have any idea what nonsense you are writing. To close a position is not in accordance with TS's algorithm. You should be shot for such a move.

The bottom line for me is to take the championship as a starting point. For example, the last one. Let's see how many orders per day an average EA has.

I do not know how many, say 15.

I do not understand how the depo can be drained when "synchronizing now" at the stage of copying.

I can only guess how much matting there will be when the copier is waiting a second week for Mercury to enter the constellation of Cassiopeia under a new moon to synchronize according to supposedly safe rules.

And if the signalman chops the cabbage by reversing the pose, you will not jump at all, and you will be charged a fee for signing up.

And if it is a multi-currency game, where there are several monocurrency signals in one signal, it is a guarantee that no one will copy the signal, "and the money will be ripped off for the subscription" (c).


Yeah, you can also flip the job on purpose so there's a minus so people can sync up.

That's the funniest thing I've ever seen.

And if the signaler cuts corners by reversing a position, you will not jump at all, and you will get a fee for subscribing.

You need to add to the ISP rules.

If you want your subscribers to start copying from you, start trading at a loss.


Yeah, you can also flip the job on purpose so there's a minus so people can sync up.

That's the funniest thing I've ever seen.

I'm working on a strategy to not give anything away to anyone, but to "charge a fee for the subscription" (c).

And you're minus minus.

My god, Alexei, do you have any idea what nonsense you're writing? I'm not going to close the position according to TS's algorithm. You should be shot for such a move.

Well, first of all, I'm not writing about closing, but about reopening. That is, to close for a couple of seconds to synchronize and then reopen in the same amount.

Ha, you think it's different at PAMMs?

You have to manually refill or withdraw from a new volume, or you have to pour out a new volume. You have to manually add funds to the new volume or withdraw them.

I have to put all these fancy little things into EAs if he is a long-term trader.

For short-termists, it is assumed that the pose will close at least once in the near future.