Pure maths, physics, logic (braingames.ru): non-trade-related brain games - page 162


It's no big deal. More like option 1. The weaker the water will flow out, the closer the water level is to the crack.

Perhaps the crack is so small that water will not flow out because of surface tension.

It isn't. The water will not flow out at all. It is difficult to explain why, but it is a fact. In all likelihood, the external atmospheric pressure will be higher than the pressure inside the bottle, and this will prevent the water from escaping from the crack.

Here's a rather interesting challenge straight out of real life that happened to me yesterday in the office. So, there is a standard small drinking water boiler installed in the office. A standard 19 litre water bottle is placed in the boiler, with the neck down, as shown in the diagram below. Some of the water in the bottle is no longer there. However, the bottle itself is defective and there is a very small crack in the bottle neck, which is sufficient for the water to flow out of it (see black dash in the diagram).

This raises the question: What happens to the water in the bottle? There are two obvious possibilities:

a) Water will flow out of the bottle through the crack (sub-options: with or without pressure).

b) Water will not flow out of the bottle through the crack (sub-options: all the time, only when water is being poured into the glass, etc.).

Perhaps someone will suggest other options. In general, I suggest speculation.

I think water will flow out when pressure changes sharply, i.e. when large air bubbles rise up or not at all, it all depends on the parameters of the crack, perhaps the pressure created by the water column is not enough to overcome the surface tension
It won't. The water won't flow out at all. It's hard to explain why, but it's a fact. Apparently, the external atmospheric pressure will be higher than the pressure inside the bottle, and this will prevent the water from coming out of the gap.
The pressure inside the bottle is almost the same as the pressure outside, because it is always equalized when you pour water into the glass and big air bubbles fly out, and that's when the water can leak out, if it doesn't leak out, the crack is too small.
The pressure inside the bottle is almost the same as outside, because it always equalizes when you pour water into the glass and big air bubbles fly out, and that's when water can leak out, if it doesn't leak out, the crack is too small.
That's right, when you put water in the glass, it starts leaking a little bit. After that, it would stop flowing. But there's one thing against the theory of equal pressure and surface tension: before installation in the cooler, when the bottle was just on the floor, water was flowing out of this crack in no time at all. By morning it was flooding the entire floor of the office. But as soon as I turned it upside down and installed it in the cooler, the leak stopped. The water pressure on the crack was even higher (you can see it in the picture).
Silent: Nah, the algorithm's really tight. I'll try it, of course.
Here's a link, have a look. It seems to make more or less sense.
Основы систем счисления
Основы систем счисления
  • habrahabr.ru
Изучая кодировки, я понял, что недостаточно хорошо понимаю системы счислений. Тем не менее, часто использовал 2-, 8-, 10-, 16-ю системы, переводил одну в другую, но делалось все на “автомате”. Прочитав множество публикаций, я был удивлен отсутствием единой, написанной простым языком, статьи по столь базовому материалу. Именно поэтому решил...
Here's a link, have a look. It seems to make more or less sense.

It's understandable... when it's a column :) Thanks, I think I even flashed a formula here, so I'll try it.

What do you think?

DmitriyN: What do you think?

Everyone is fooled, bullshit. And it all started with the crook Newton.

And the magnetic field is so material... just like the bile the liver secretes.

Who's Rybnikov? I Googled him and found only the actor and composer. The second video, did not even look five minutes in general, diagonally, and then it became uninteresting.

P.P.S. I found his works. I do not want to lose a lot of time on them.

Apparently, the dude got some protection some time ago, got a warm seat - and relaxed completely, forgetting almost everything he studied.


What do you think?

youtube is no help in building a model of the world.

Maybe this site would be of interest.

  • polynumbers.ru
Материалы Международной школы-семинара для старшекурсников, аспирантов физико- математических факультетов и молодых ученых. Москва, 12 июля – 14 августа, 2010 г. Монография посвящена изложению основных идей, методов и физических приложений финслеровой геометрии. Показано, что физическому Миру соответствует не одна, а некоторый класс...

The hostess has bought a cake at the shop. She does not eat sweets herself, but she has 7, 8 or 9 guests coming. She has to cut the cake in advance. With what is the smallest number of pieces she can divide the cake equally among the guests in all three cases?

I should say right away that the answer 504 is not correct, although it seems obvious at first sight, because it is the smallest common multiple of 7,8 and 9. In short, you can do it in fewer chunks.

By the way, the pieces can also be of different sizes.