Who can share their experience of using Push notifications in MetaTrader 4 / MetaTrader 5 using MetaQuotes ID? - page 7


Go to the system menu -> Messages and look at the window title bar. MetaQuotes ID will be there.

Remember to update to the latest build.

Thanks Renat, I was looking for standard push notifications as in a regular phone, even called the company to show me where in the settings of the phone push. But here it is. I was thinking why do I need google in the terminal? It turns out to be much simpler than that.

Thanks, it's all working.

Push notifications means a generic concept, didn't realise.

Pushtechnology,( also known as webcasting or netcasting), is one of the options for distributing content on the Internet, where information is sent from the server to the client based on a number of parameters set by the client. A regular user can subscribe to various topics, information from a content provider, and each time a new update is generated on the server, this update is 'pushed' to the user's computer or smartphone. This form of content distribution is different from sharing on the Internet because in this case the information is requested by the user on the server.

The best known use of Push is called newsletters - magazine articles delivered by email. Another system that incorporates Push technology is file-sharing, such as Kazaa, where you can choose any content server to be connected to.

This system is also used in courts across the country so that they can send users who send the required process information to your email. With each new update on registered cases, a message is sent to the user so that they are aware of the updates that have taken place.

Historically, the predecessor of this technology was the PointCast Network, which emerged in the 90s. It contained an aggregator with its own format, almost like television, but with text and pictures rather than video. The media attention was considerable, so Netscape and Microsoft decided to include the technology in their browsers Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer respectively. However, as in most cases, users had low download speeds, so popularity was low.

Nowadays, RSS is the most popular form of content distribution, and is included in modern browsers and aggregators similar to PointCast. However, in technical terms the content is not "pushed" from server to client as in the promotion itself, but an aggregator of software that transfers the server content to the client according to the customer specification.

Push requests can be modelled with multiple pull requests generated in a short period of time. For example, when retrieving emails from a POP3 server, the client may make regular pull requests every few minutes.

Typical examples of push services are synchronous conferencing and instant messaging(IRC, XMPP). SMTP email systems are also push systems. A popular push service is the PointCast PointCast (dotcom) network which had wide popularity in 1990. It was in the business of delivering news and stock market data. At the height of the browser war, Netscape and Microsoft integrated it into their software, but it later disappeared and was replaced in the 2000s by RSS. Other uses of push technology include web applications, including market data distribution (stock quotes), auctions, and network sensor monitoring.

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I see that the discussion is hushed but I have a question?

I got PUSH-notifications turned on in the settings and I'm trying to do a test, but I get different results every time, I mean the delivery time is almost instantaneous, sometimes 10 minutes and every other day.

Why is there such a difference in delivery time?

I will wait for an answer. I would appreciate your feedback.

It probably depends on how well your phone is holding the internet connection.

Personally, I get about 50 messages a day and have no particular complaints. Our push gateway is not overloaded.

I think I read somewhere that it is possible to report all trades in an account via push notifications (without an EA, a built-in desktop terminal function). Or was it a dream?

I couldn't find it in the terminal settings or in the help.


I think I read somewhere that it is possible to report all trades in an account via push notifications (without an EA, a built-in desktop terminal function). Or was it a dream?

I couldn't find it in the terminal settings or in the help.

We are planning to enable it. Maybe in the next builds.

I think I read somewhere that it is possible to report all trades in an account via push notifications (without an EA, a built-in desktop terminal function). Or was it a dream?

I couldn't find it in the terminal settings or in the help.

not this should be done, there is such a product ready) /**/
not it should be done, there is such a product ready) /**/

I've seen the products, and I can write them myself. I just seemed to come across a few mentions of such a possibility.

We are planning to include it. Maybe in the next builds already.



Does anyone have Push notifications working?

I've been waiting for "not lost and guaranteed to be delivered" all morning and no luck.

Throw me something on 1D1E5826, maybe it's my MQ account or MT5 terminal...


Does anyone have Push notifications working?

I've been waiting for "not lost and guaranteed to be delivered" all morning and nothing.

Throw me something on 1D1E5826, maybe it's my MQ account or MT5 terminal...

I sent it. I didn't get it.

MQ, is everything OK with the flushes today?

nothing changed over the weekend?