Failure to fulfil their obligations and refusal to pay back the money - page 19

So, what prevents highly skilled professionals from immediately sending such an author to read the right articles and formulate the TOR correctly? Or is the author immediately assessed as a potential sucker with the possibility of processing outside the arbitration zone?
no, it's more likely that the author of the ToR takes the outside world for suckers
So, what prevents highly skilled professionals from immediately sending such an author to read the right articles and formulate the TOR correctly? Or is the author immediately assessed as a potential sucker with the possibility of processing outside the arbitration zone?
About the arbitration zone, it's the other way round (or I don't know - it depends on whom). I would prefer the opposite - work with the suspicious only through the job, so that if anything happens, you can go to arbitration. Directly is more dangerous than through a job.
Yedelkin: Well, what prevents highly skilled professionals immediately send such an author to read the appropriate articles and properly formulate TOR? Or is the author immediately assessed as a potential sucker with the possibility of processing outside the arbitration zone?

The problem is that they don't want to read! I've already convinced myself that if the customer can't tell the difference between the 0th and the 1st bar, that's it... 99% sure they will measure bar height and use a calculator to figure out how many % of bars they have and... because this customer is just another idler and believes that he should not know anything and should be able to formalize the problem - I remember they showed me a screenshot - after the extremum one has to open an order, when asked why exactly there, the answer - well, then it went down, do not you see? ....

They are not looking for a sucker, but for a freebie in the form of a ready-made TS, most do not even study the behavior of indicators on history, and then they keep changing TOR, oh, I forgot: all the TOR start with the words "output in external variables" for some reason.... it's about 80-90% of TOR, and the TS itself is simply absent


Hmmm, didn't expect to see such a simple TK again today, it's like Christmas night - whatever you wish for, it will all come true

April 1st is upon us, the masters of the world are already joking.

"Are you sure?" I wonder if paragraph. 2 was 20 pages long, would you also be rubbishing about "phraseology" and inattention, because you thought the question was about the first sentence?

I'm satisfied that I got the simplest point across to you the third time.

To answer your question: since the post was specifically about your injustice, regardless of the number of pages I would have continued to "rub it in" about phraseological turns and your general inattention to your short question "Are you sure?" Because that is true. Now I would also add about your inability to formulate questions you need - but it is already trifles.


No need for answers.

In essence - you agreed that checking the customer's fantasy must be paid for. THAT'S FINE. The rest is idle chatter.

That's a great approach. Trying to shut your interlocutor up with the phrase "No answers" and then drawing your own conclusions for him. The Bolotnaya leaders are crying for you :) Anrial of sorts :)


The problem is that they don't want to read! I've already convinced myself that if the customer can't tell the difference between the 0th and the 1st bar, that's it... 99% sure they will measure bar height and use a calculator to figure out how many % of bars they have and... Because this customer is just another idler and believes that he does not have to know anything and be able to formalize the problem - I remember I was shown a screenshot - after the extremum they had to open an order, when asked why exactly there, the answer - well, then it went down, do not you see? ....

I honestly DO NOT UNDERSTAND why in this situation you do not send these customers far away and for a long time ... On the one hand, persecute them for their inability to formulate TOR, on the other hand - grabbed with foul language for the same TOR and demand payment. Some kind of service of absurdity (as applied to these situations).


I'm satisfied that I got the simple point across to you the third time.

To answer your question: since the post was specifically about your injustice, regardless of the number of pages I would have continued to "rub it in" about phraseological turns and your general inattention to your short question "Are you sure?". Because that is true. Now I would add about your inability to formulate questions you need - but it is trifles.

That's a remarkable approach. Trying to gag your interlocutor with the phrase "No answers", and then drawing your own conclusions for him. The Bolotnaya leaders are crying for you :) Anrial of sorts :)

Troll detective (long time ago, not just now) - stop talking nonsense in all threads and areas of activity.


Troll detectiveed (long time ago, not just now) - stop talking nonsense in all threads and areas of activity.

The iron argument of the insulted in his best feelings :) You'd better complain to the administration - maybe they'll ban you for fun :)
notused: Troll detective.
Turns out I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Turns out I'm not the only one who thinks so.
So what's the problem? Or aren't you a member of the administration? There is a unique opportunity to retaliate for messages left unanswered.