Failure to fulfil their obligations and refusal to pay back the money - page 17

Yedelkin: That is, despite the absurdity of"abnormal and unreadable" TORs, they do not agree to transfer the risks to the developers :) I see.
It is better to divide the risks in half, so it makes sense.

All right, this seems to be a futile bickering, but we need to come to a constructive solution. First, let's deal with the issues:

1. Are you ready to give your money back?

2. Are you ready to continue working with this Expert Advisor?

3. Do you understand the TOR that was rewritten according to your scheme?

The only thing I don't understand is why do you need items 2,3, if you wrote earlier that you have already had this EA done in three days?

Once I understand its functionality, make sure the possible profitlessness and already decide whether to follow the agreement or not, right? In the end, pay for my work or not will only depend on the decision. That's not how you do things. There have to be guarantees.


I'm leaning towards _Techno_.


Techno, give the money back, don't ruin your karma.

and calmly send the customer on his way to find a contractor.

Thirty dollars is nothing compared to the negativity they can bring you.

There is no need to give anything back to anyone - _Techno_ has wasted his personal time and it should be paid for. Checking the customer's fantasies about "how spaceships prowl the galaxy" should not be at the expense of others. Otherwise he'll get used to it.


I would have done things differently. I would give Techno that $30, get his code and put it and the ToR out for all to see. Then everyone would see what kind of mistakes the No.1 developer in the top 10 makes.

If that's what you would do, then transfer $30 to TC to transfer _Techno_. What are you talking about, do it.

Are you mixing up the forum by any chance? You are trying to complain about a policeman by coming to the police. Wake up, you will not be heard because you are from a different company. The honour of the uniform, so to speak.

In addition, the fact that all programmers WITHOUT EXCEPTION have sided with Techno, says one thing: such methods of execution of tasks are the norm for those who supported Techno.

Those are normal guys! They have already heard. Especially since I personally did not complain about anything, but tried to focus on the problem.

Digression. If you 'came to the police to complain about the policeman', you will be heard as soon as you say the M-word.


Are you mixing up the forum by any chance? You are trying to complain about a policeman by coming to the police. Wake up, you will not be heard because you are from a different company. The honour of the uniform, so to speak.

In addition, the fact that all programmers WITHOUT EXCEPTION have sided with Techno, says one thing: such methods of execution of tasks - for those who supported Techno, is the norm.

Sorry, gentlemen programmers, I could not stand it.

To mayler

I would have done otherwise. I would have given Techno those $30, received his code and laid it and ToR out for public review. Then everyone would have seen what kind of bugs the number 1 in the top 10 developers makes.

Tell us what makes you so bitter and resentful towards programmers? Are there any personal problems with programmers? You are not a chemist by any chance? :)

There is no need to give anything back to anyone - _Techno_ has wasted his own time and it should be paid for. Checking the customer's fantasies about "how spaceships sail the galaxy" should not be at the expense of others. Otherwise he'll get used to it.

You are unfair on this point. The developer "wasted his personal time" not at the request of the client, but of his own free will, agreeing to work on a stupid TOR and get paid for it. Checking the customer's fantasies about "how spaceships sail the UNIVERSE" was the developer's own decision, i.e. a decision on his own time.


papaklass: Очнитесь, Вас не услышат потому, что Вы из другой компании. Честь мундира, так сказать.

In addition, the fact that all , WITHOUT EXCEPTION, programmers sided with Techno, says one thing: such methods of task execution are the norm for those who supported Techno.

By the way, several of them (at least abolk and Mathemat) tried to understand the topicstarter. Re-read it carefully.

Not a coder myself, but I know how to code. And I have an idea of what TKs are like.


You are unfair on this point. The developer "wasted his own time", not at the request of the customer, but of his own free will, agreeing to work on a dumb TOR and get paid for it. Checking the customer's fantasies about "how spaceships sail the UNIVERSE" was the developer's own decision, i.e. a decision on his own time.

Are you sure?