Failure to fulfil their obligations and refusal to pay back the money - page 11


if the customer doesn't want to figure out how to officially start work, what is the point of forcing him to do the opposite?
Indeed. It is better to start milking such a customer "outside arbitration" than to refuse to do the job.
This is the first swallow... He probably does not want to understand how to write an acceptable ToR, how to give feedback on time, etc., which is the result of this topic.
The acceptable TOR has been rewritten point by point as requested by Techno. And I have answered almost immediately after the question, as far as possible. Even Techno did not spoil his questions very often. So it is not necessary to talk about feedback support as a fundamental factor.

The situation is banal.

.. In short, there is a simple formula: full pay - full job, even if the ToR is no good.

Normal logic - then why even take an advance payment of 50% and do not know what and demand additional payment. Ask for a 100% prepayment straight away and tell the customer to fuck off.
normal logic - then why even take a 50% prepayment and do whatever it takes and demand a surcharge. Ask for a 100% prepayment right away and tell the customer to go fuck himself.
No offence to the phrase, but you have been given a demonstration of the logic of "life is bad without a sucker".

I actually followed this. I received the prepayment, sent the demo, and then everything came to a standstill on the customer's side.
If you are behaving in this way and have only received an advance payment, then I daresay our correspondence would have stopped two months ago if we had received an additional payment.

By the way, it has become a rule that the reputation is the weak point of the performer. This is a bad trend, indeed, and why pay for the work done, if you can threaten to ruin the reputation and everything will be free and in the best form?

Nikolai, not in this case.

There are hundreds of adequate customers in our vast territory. You, as you say, have everything scheduled by the hour.

You are well aware that wasting your time on this kind of correspondence and getting out of schedule - you will lose far more than you gain.
Believe me from my experience, paying back the deposit, even for partially completed work, does not mean losing everything.

The topic will be deleted, the agreed payment will be made - I will finish it. No problem.

The topic will not be deleted. Even if you finish the advisor, no one will be happy with the result. It is better to part peacefully and sleep well, for both of them.


The main thing is that it should not become a system, time has been spent.
This never turns into a system. The conflict was caused by a lack of ethics on the part of the contractor.
I refunded $ 100 when the customer was not given a final TOR. But this was an isolated incident, I have not returned more.

I have had several similar situations. even when the work was started after the approved ToR.
But it is always much more important to keep a good relationship with a person than to fight over dead coons.
At the end of the day, the customer comes to the contractor because of desperation. For him the doer is a professional, which implies a concentration of knowledge and experience. Experience in communication and understanding in the first place.

And regularly return the fools are not even able to articulate what they want, at a loss.

Judging by that txt file - the ToR was written as usual... but these TORs are always 99% of the time.

In my understanding, the scheme 50% upfront payment - demo - 50% extra - finished Expert Advisor means that I prepay you make the Expert Advisor and send me the demo, if the demo meets TOR, I pay the remaining 50% and you send the source code. At least, this is logical and this is the scheme used in writing this EA. And to give the remaining 50% for a demo that does not meet the TOR is out of the vein of giving money for please. As for the ToR, I repeat that the original version of the TOR, another coder made it in 3 days, followed by correction of comments and errors for another 2 weeks, and it was a work in online mode (edits question - corrected the demo - sent it - tested, etc.).

This is illogical. A demo is a demo because it contains only a part of what is needed. If 100% complete work in demo version is provided, and EA is only separated from unlimited work by a couple of restrictions and compiled code (which prevents these restrictions from being removed), then what actually prevents from just waiting until there is a suitable decompiler version and just hack code... - there's nothing in the way. I've done it all before...

From what part of the correspondence you realized that I'm not going to pay extra money I wonder? I don't need demo time with impossibility to change parameters and I was ready to pay extra. But now I would honestly like to return the prepayment, because I do not want to continue working with you.

First of all you want to get a 100% complete version right away. Then pushed, hinted at the option of reducing the cost of the work. And most importantly did not pay 50% after the demo version

This is illogical. A demo is a demo because it contains only a part of what is needed. If 100% complete work in demo version is provided, and EA is only separated from unlimited work by a couple of restrictions and compiled code (which prevents these restrictions from being removed), then what actually prevents from just waiting until there is a suitable decompiler version and just hack code... - nothing prevents. I've just had it all before...

First of all what do you want to get 100% full version at once. Then there was a nudge, hinted at the option of lowering the cost of the work. And most importantly did not pay 50% after the demo version

Just the demo means that you can use the program, understanding its functionality and can not use some of the features. For example, take any program demo - you can use all the tools, but the key functions will not be available, such as save the file. From your demo I have not seen and appreciated the workability of the EA, so for me it is not a demo that meets my requirements

First, that you want to get 100% of the full version at once. Then there was a nudge, hinting at an option to reduce the cost of the job. And most importantly did not pay 50% after the demo version

The cost reduction was mentioned in the case if I give you an existing EA and you see how it works, so that you can write your own one.
A demo means that you can use the software once you understand its functionality, but you cannot use some of the features. For example, take any demo program - you can use all the tools, but key functions will not be available, such as saving a file. But from your demo I have not seen and assessed the workability of the EA, so it is not a demo that meets my requirements

Once I understand its functionality, to make sure in a possible break-even and already decide whether to follow the agreement or not, right ? In the end, pay for my work or not will only depend on the decision. That's not the way it works. There have to be guarantees.