Failure to fulfil their obligations and refusal to pay back the money - page 9

this screenshot sent to Techno shows all the comments.
pends_test.jpg  916 kb
MoneyJinn: If you receive the goods from the seller of the shop, but the seller for some reason does not want to carry the goods officially through the cash register,

the shop is still responsible for the actions of its representative.

In this case the situation is different. The encoder is out of the shop's area of responsibility and the shop has no right to prevent him from doing so (unlike a vendor in a regular shop, who can simply be fired for such actions).

You can't introduce yourself as a member of the community, act on its behalf and still break its rules!!! That should be punished!!!

Perhaps that makes sense, because it is thanks to the "Jobs" service that the coder has a decent part-time job, even if it is outside of the shop's arbitration zone.

Still, it would be reasonable to listen to the other side, the coder.

in this screenshot, sent to Techno, all remarks are indicated.

on this screenshot is unknown:

1. testing period and broker

2. order numbers in the screenshot

3. position of TP that was violated

it should be possible to restore the situation by running the Expert Advisor


Still, it would be wise to listen to the other side, the coder.

Absolutely right.

on this screenshot is unknown:

1. testing period and broker

2. order numbers in the screenshot

3. position of TP that was violated

It should be possible to restore the situation by running the EA

If you compare the two screenshots (the one proposed to TK and the one with remarks on the tester), an unaided eye can see that the EA does not correctly reflect the signals.
Absolutely right.
I'd really like to hear it, too.
I'd really like to hear from him too.
Write him a letter to his contacts with a link to the topic
write him an email to his contacts with a link to the topic
already done

The situation is banal.

The complexity of the 80-90$ job I assigned $60, the advance payment was $30. mayler was able to answer questions once a week on the TOR. So it's not surprising that some of the defects (in the sent demo version ) stretched out for a decent amount of time. My day is even scheduled on the clock. But the last correspondence showed thatmayler like not going to pay 50% extra due to what=s his reasons, and I do not agree to $ 30.

I'm not even going to say that the TOR is a pain in the ass. One thing is written - in fact it's different, the correction is a significant rewrite of the code. And I didn't even have much of a complaint about it, but in the absence of full payment... In short, there is a simple formula: full payment - full work, even if the TOR is no good.


The situation is banal.

Techno, give the money back, don't ruin your karma.

and calmly let the customer go on looking for a contractor.

Thirty dollars is nothing compared to the negativity they can bring you.