Failure to fulfil their obligations and refusal to pay back the money - page 8


1.this is just your speculation, I am for honest work, as well as for control over the performer and over the customer

2.this is your imagination, I am not a "techno". need,abolk already raised this issue, after an undeserved negative feedback, I think I was left with the opinion that in any "herd of customers will still be the black sheep" - more work, there will often be dissatisfied, otherwise there is no way

4. this is your imagination, section of the work is a very good service, like this entire resource as a whole

In the quality of the resource, I do not doubt, but in the honesty of some of the performers are already doubts.
Still no constructive: where are your complaints about the advisor? Just don't need anything generalised like "everything is wrong and doesn't fit the TOR", as that's not constructive.
all correspondence
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1.this is just your speculation, I am for honest work, as well as for control over the performer and over the customer

2.this is your imagination, I am not a "techno". need,abolk already raised this issue, after an undeserved negative feedback, I think I was left with the opinion that in any "herd of customers will still be the black sheep" - more work, there will often be dissatisfied, otherwise there is no way

4. this is your imagination, section of the work is a very good service, like this entire resource as a whole

It is one thing to express dissatisfaction about the work done (good or badly done), and quite another thing to be dissatisfied about a blatant scam.

This already sounds like a complete misunderstanding of the specifics of a coder's job. Digging through someone else's code is not at all easier than making it yourself.

P.S. And the claims are not easy to understand. It would be a good idea to get a coder here.

all correspondence

The correspondence shows Techno's month-long silence.


This already sounds like a complete misunderstanding of the specifics of a coder's job. Digging through someone else's code is no easier than making it yourself.

he wasn't digging in someone else's code, he was making it from scratch. It was suggested after I started to feel misunderstood by Techno. And it remained just a suggestion.

The correspondence shows Techno's month-long silence.

I admit that he might have gone on holiday, but he has a lot of work in progress at the service, and he could have said that he was going on holiday.
Once again: buy something at a flea market and then try to post feedback about the quality of the product in the shop's book of reviews.

If you receive the goods from the retailer, but the retailer, for whatever reason, does not want to carry the goods officially through the cash register,

the shop is still responsible for the actions of its representative.

You cannot introduce yourself as a member of a community, act on its behalf and still violate its rules!!! That should be punished!!!


If you receive the goods from the retailer, but the retailer, for whatever reason, does not want to carry the goods officially through the cash register,

the shop is still responsible for the actions of its representative.

You cannot introduce yourself as a member of the community, act on its behalf and still violate its rules!!! That should be punished!!!

Right on target

It is not clear from the correspondence about the substance of the claim.

Provide a point-by-point account of what you are not happy with about Techno Advisor. That is in the form of:

1. In TOR, point X stated "...." . The Expert Advisor does not work as specified in the TOR, namely: .