MQL5 training - page 11

May I ask what is meant by trading context? In fact, it's probably already been discussed, but I don't know what nuances I've missed. :)
Internal mechanism of the terminal (4ka) for synchronisation of trade orders.

Not hope -- almost certainty. Everything will be fine. Really it's not good at all from paid training courses in MQL5 programming :) so far it's ridiculous.

I'm coming from our Russian "Avos". And I'm also coming to the idea that "everything will be fine" :). So our outlook is the same, regardless of the appearance of a textbook :)
So our perspectives are the same, regardless of the appearance of a textbook :)
I, like many people here, don't care about a textbook - I'm not going to write, much less read it :)
I, like many people here, do not care about the textbook - I'm not going to write, much less read it :).

Why. You could write such a thick book on MQL5 with thousands of examples. The title would be something like "Professional MQL5 Programming". In printed form. For example, 10 000 thousand copies to start with. The price, for example, was 20 dollars. And sell it quietly. ))

P.S. It makes no difference how the money is raked in. ))

P.S. I also forgot. We need to translate it into different languages. I'll do my best...


Why. You could write such a thick book on MQL5 with thousands of examples. The title would be something like "Professional MQL5 Programming" as always. In printed form. For example, 10 000 thousand copies to start with. The price, for example, was 20 dollars. And sell it quietly. ))

) Electronic versions will immediately appear on the Internet. So counting on a refund is not an option...
The electronic versions will immediately appear on the Internet. So expecting a refund is not an option...

I download quite a few books all the time. And I've found that not all books fall under such "villainy". Some of them just can't be found for free. Even from very popular authors (as an argument against popularity). But that's all thinking out loud. Off I go to further coding. One hundred thousand first function. :)


I download quite a few books all the time. And I've found that not all books fall under such 'villainy'. Some of them just can't be found for free. Even from very popular authors (as an argument against popularity). But that's all thinking out loud. Off I go to further coding. One hundred thousand first function. :)

If it's not a secret, what books on Forex can't you find in the Internet? ...Like everyone else, I've read a lot of free access books - is there any interesting material not available in this very "free access"?
If it is not a secret, what forex books have you not found on the Internet? ...Like everyone else, I have read a lot of free access books - is there any more interesting material that is not available in this very "free access"?
What a secret... As for books that deal with trading on financial markets, I also found some that I couldn't find. I can't remember the titles now, I didn't keep a list. As for programming, there are also some that are not available for free or only in English. On JavaScript I couldn't find some and on VBA. As a result, when nothing else is found, I start studying what is available. As a rule, it's enough. The only difference is the syntax, so each new language is easier to learn. :)
What a secret it is... As for books that relate to trading in financial markets, I also came across some that I couldn't find. I can't remember the names now, I didn't keep a list. As for programming, there are also some that are not available for free or only in English. On JavaScript I couldn't find some and on VBA. As a result, when nothing else is found, I start studying what is available. As a rule, it's enough. The only difference is the syntax, so each new language is easier to learn. :)
If you suddenly remember / come across the name of a rare book about Forex - drop me a line, if you don't mind. It turns out that you're ready to buy, but you don't know what it is.
Well, if you happen to remember / come across the name of a rare book on Forex - give me a hint, if you don't mind. ... It turns out you're ready to buy one, but you don't know what it is.
Ok. Maybe one of these days I'll make a list of everything I've got. It's not much. About 120 books. I'll send you the list. If there's anything you can't find, I'll upload it to a file-sharing site or email it to you. But I think everything I have can easily be found on the internet.