Voluntary certification of programmers in the Work service - page 7


Why are you shouting? You need to talk to the customer, "You need to be gentle with people".

Mischek, draw them a certificate and let them calm down.

Making a profit in the past does not guarantee profit in the future.

Past work does not guarantee future work.

A person can be respected for what he did, the work done increases the probability that he will cope in the future, but it is only a probability.

A certificate is just a piece of paper stating that you have learnt all the letters, but whether you can write a novel is beyond the scope of certification.

It is not about profit, but about the quality of the product produced by the programmer. It's about the ability to use BASIC skills and not make HUGE mistakes. It's about assessing skill to make it easier for the customer to find a contractor.
And on the subject of "softness", I disagree. "Attestation" should be "voluntary and compulsory". "Traffic rules" are compulsory for all, professionals and amateurs alike. And the "professionals" should be "God forbid".
It's not about profit, but about the quality of the product released by the programmer. It's about the ability to use BASIC skills and not make HUGE mistakes. It's about assessing skill to make it easier for the customer to find a contractor.

When I hear the words: "guys need to unite against them" or "let's all work together" or "it's not right to protect our interests".

I know there's someone out there trying to make a buck.

While you will unite and get certified, and then create a guild of certified programmers, the Chinese programmers on their knees by the light of a chimney will do all your orders (I have nothing personal against the Chinese programmers).

And on the subject of "softness", I disagree. "Attestation" should be "voluntary and compulsory". "Traffic rules" are compulsory for all, for professionals and amateurs alike. And "professionals" should be "God forbid".

... You have to talk to the client, "you have to be gentle with people".

That's one context. In that line I was talking about clients, not programmers

certification means...

Doesn't mean.


If all MQL programmers used the same kind of ready-made functions and libraries...

Any programming language is essentially already a library of functions.


A job done in the past does not guarantee performance in the future.

Work not done in the past is even less of a guarantee that it will be done in the future.
A job not done in the past is even less of a guarantee that it will be done in the future.


asDDFedor said, it'sabout being able to use BASIC skills and not making HUGE mistakes. It's about assessing skill to make it easier for the customer to find a performer.

The basic task is to check the knowledge of mql and secondary in assessing the ability to use it. Actually, you have proposed the best option, namely certification is conducted on the basis of "throwing" different tasks in the Marketplace section, after completion of several tasks, the second step of certification - evaluation. This is either a test or task like in the Olympiad. (Although again, the assessment can be omitted.

I encountered a situation where a customer complains precisely about the incompetence of the other worker in this service and erroneous selection of a programmer by rating, quote:

"Protocol relationship. He gave the impression of a callous and dry man. He is overloaded with orders and doesn't have enough time to sort them out. I have given him an EA and he has been developing it for almost three weeks - okay, I thought it would be a quality product. When I started testing it, I got a glitch after another one - and it hangs after a couple of trades. I tell him - so and so. And he - lay the logs and screenshots of each glitch, I do not understand anything about the freezing, all communication - only in the branch. I have posted once this log, screenshot, set. He tweaked something. But again hangs and glitches with inputs. Again - communication only in the branch, and give logs. I had no patience, so I said - what logs - he just hangs tight. I arbitrated him out of spite, maybe I overreacted... He strongly denied - glitches are not proven, EA fulfills all requirements of TOR... I was very nervous - it was very frustrating. But then I nailed him))

I'll know, did you win the arbitration?

Yes, he won - funds unfrozen ))I thought - unreal - such reviews, his reputation - did not even hope for justice ))")

What do we have? incompetent personalities with whom the orders go to. The Expert Advisor uses a closed loop somewhere and as a result, in the best case the terminal simply crashes; in the worst case the server blocks the account for using the EA because of the frequency of requests.

P.S. I'm not trying to get rich and I don't want to be involved in the evaluation of other programmers, because my participation in this would at least question the impartiality of the evaluation. My desire - to improve the service "work" because I use it constantly as a programmer.