Public discussion of the formula for calculating the cost of resources in the MQL5 Cloud Network - page 6

In other words, if I launch an agent, it enters the cloud network anyway? Can this be controlled?

Not at all.

For an agent to be included in the MQL5 Cloud Network, you should manually check "Allow public use of agents". In this case, the agent starts working in a hybrid mode: it serves priority local connections from the terminal and, in the absence of local tasks, will contact cloud servers for remote tasks. In this mode, the agent is already connected to the network and ready to work for free.

If you want to sell your resources explicitly, enable "Sell computer resources...." and enter your login. In this case all spent resources will be paid for with accumulated amounts on your account. The entire history of payments for each agent is also available, so you can see who earned how much and when.

To disable agents from the network, simply uncheck "Allow public use of agents". Another way to manage activity is in the Scheduler tab:

You can explicitly set the schedule by hours for the week, when the agent will work in MQL5 Cloud Network. For example, you can prohibit working on weekdays during working hours.


The problem is that the user has to force himself to register an account at and deposit money.

"The problem is that the user has to force him/herself to register an account with and pay the money. For example, "download" (even free) in the Market.

And make new ones. I would not say no to financial news here. And chat :)

Sorry for the offtop.


Not by any means.

OK, comprehensive answer, thank you.

Trying to determine the cost of service by calculating the cost of service (in this particular case) is, in my opinion, a dead end.

I am of the opinion that the cost of services should be taken into account, I do not know how in your region the fees for housing and utilities increase, in our region annually by %, if electricity in the recent past was worth a penny, now another increase of 10-15% is already a significant increase in the cost of housing and utilities. Exactly this year to me many "mothers" with requests to explain how much the PC consumes and how to reduce power consumption, the only reasonable way which I have seen and have offered - use a sleeping mode ("Sleep") - time of switching on the PC less than 1 minute, consumption is minimal.

If Metacquotes were to offer to rent their servers for tasks it would be a completely different issue, and the discussion is about attracting PC users. The question about adding execution priority for remote agents might make sense.


In my opinion, the cost should be determined by 2 parameters, namely,

1. Number of passes during optimisation

2. The time needed for optimization.

Look at the basic formula in the first post - it uses both time and computer power, as well as the amount of calculations.

Now we are talking about the price of the minimum possible work - 1 PR (Performance Rating) per 1 millisecond. Once the price of a "quantum of work" has been found, the rest of the calculations will already be easy.

Most likely we will add the "budget" parameter to the settings of the MQL5 Cloud Network in the client terminal in the form of a daily or total limit to avoid unexpected account depletion.


Frankly speaking, I'm not interested in how many agents have passed my test, I am interested in time of task fulfillment and how much it costs. If you estimate cost through quanta, you'll get bogged down in them. Time and cost is everything.

You have to look at the problem from a broader perspective. At least 3 parties are involved in the process: the seller, the organizer and the buyer.

If one party (the buyer) says it is not interested in details, it does not mean that these details are not present in the relationship between the other parties. Even for the buyer side (in the first place), it is important to know where the price comes from and to see that it is justified.

Once you start looking at the entire chain, it is immediately obvious that a minimum quantum of work needs to be priced. The minimum quantum allows you to account for the variability of different agents and calculate a fair price for the run performed. Adding up the cost of each run gives the total cost of performing the task.

And you have to be very careful to count micropayments in real time across the entire distributed cloud system, so that you don't get overcharged on the buyer's account.


By the way, the English part of the discussion suggests that the problem should be solved simply:


MSQL5 Cloud Network is not for profit cloud network! FREE is the Best Solution!!!

From a buyer's point of view, that's right :)

You probably have a rough figure for the number of terminals running on a daily average. If it is large enough, you could try to get everyone who runs the terminal to do so. Add the button in the tester menu -

to use the MQL5 Cloud Network , take part in the MQL5 Cloud Network, and then go to the corresponding page with explanations. This will provide a friendly contingent and general information.

Or/or put the button in the terminal control panel.


From the buyer's point of view, that's right :)

Taki yes.

By the way, the minimum quantum won't do anything - the current PR you're calculating is very dependent on system load. Right now it's 100, and in 3 minutes it's already 60. Where is the guarantee that for the duration of one pass, "minimum quantum" will remain a constant?

Well and you know, that create lsp-provider is not difficult at all, and there you can manipulate processes and PR will not be such, as you will consider it. Well, it will take some time to try, but the task to fool the cloud will be done (the complexity of implementation depends on when you calculate this PR - before or after connecting to the cloud).

And what do you think the average ratio of those willing to test to those willing to provide resources for money would be? Somehow it seems to me that the latter will be at least 2 orders of magnitude higher. In this case, the earnings will still be miserable. And if not, the price may not satisfy those who want to test. Maybe a subscription fee? $1 per day is cheaper than a packet of cigarettes.


I have read the thread.

It seems to me that the subscription fee is not the best way to go, it is much more logical and correct to pay for the resources consumed.

At a minimum, the price - for resources should take into account the cost of energy, and of course should be interesting.


I see that there is an active test now and I have 34 CPUs in MQL5 Cloud Network

I can see from the logs that they're being used.


By the way, I can see the names of EAs that are being tested.

List of EAs I have tested on one of the machines

LI 0 Tester 11:17:03 expert file added: Experts\z3_port.ex5. 19147 bytes loaded
MO 0 Tester 11:19:23 expert file added: Experts\bb.ex5. 36092 bytes loaded
EK 0 Tester 12:03:16 expert file added: Experts\atc6\HA_KEA.ex5. 44847 bytes loaded
RJ 0 Tester 12:30:10 expert file added: Experts\Advisors\ExpertMAMA.ex5. 138617 bytes loaded
CN 0 Tester 12:52:11 expert file added: Experts\LisexpetT12.ex5. 16199 bytes loaded
FJ 0 Tester 13:05:15 expert file added: Experts\NampingMan501.ex5. 35041 bytes loaded
II 0 Tester 13:06:03 expert file added: Experts\bb.ex5. 36092 bytes loaded
IM 0 Tester 15:15:21 expert file added: Experts\SlowFX\DemaBandsTrader.ex5. 18616 bytes loaded
ML 0 Tester 15:24:40 expert file added: Experts\MultiSovet_v2_0.ex5. 59483 bytes loaded
LQ 0 Tester 08:51:59 expert file added: Experts\Night_v2_2.ex5. 66194 bytes loaded