Interesting and Humour - page 4471

how many total combinations in sha256
Roman Shiredchenko:

W-Where in my posts did you see that perfume?

In epithets to the phrase "last century". You're probably oh-so-young. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing, it will pass in a dozen years.

Igor Zakharov:

In epithets to the phrase "last century". You're probably oh-so-young. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing, it will pass in a dozen years.

I haven't been a youngster for a long time... :-) OK, I'll make the "last century" edits :-) It's just that this90's dinosaurism isn't relevant for a long time.

Let's, IMHO, be better business (as before) - by codes... here is spam, IMHO.

Roman Shiredchenko:

Let's, IMHO, be more businesslike (as before) - by code... spam here, IMHO.


Евро был введён в безналичное обращение 1 января 1999 года, а 1 января 2002 года были введены в наличное обращение банкноты и монеты. Евро заменил в соотношении 1:1  theEuropean Currency Unit(ECU), which was used in the European monetary system from 1979 to 1998.

in the terminal:

Will someone raise my erudition as to what the pre-1979 quotes are? with no practical application, just curiosity for the sake of curiosity.

Fun in this thread)
Igor Zakharov:

Will someone raise my erudition as to what the pre-79 quotes are? no practical application, just curiosity for the sake of curiosity.

it's the ECU exchange rate, it's believed that when you switch to Euros the ECU exchange rate = Euros

Oops... read Wiki, indeed the ECU has been counted since 1979.... So it is a non-ECU exchange rate ))

Igor Makanu:

this is the ECU exchange rate, it is believed that when you switch to Euros the ECU rate = Euros

Oops... read the Wiki, indeed the ECU has been counted since 1979.... So it is a non-ECU exchange rate ))

German mark maybe?
Igor Makanu:

this is the ECU exchange rate, it is believed that when you switch to Euros the ECU rate = Euros

Oops... read the Wiki, indeed the ECU has been counted since 1979.... So it is a non-ECU exchange rate ))

In theory the ECU is a composite of local exchange rates of several countries, i.e. an index. Theoretically it could be calculated deeper, knowing the exchange rates of its constituents. But this is my speculation, which appeared after I posted the question.

Artyom Trishkin:
A German mark maybe?

I don't think it's crucial, it's a historical simulation anyway, in principle to protect history, unlikely mark, think some kind of weighted price of leading economies like mark + franc + lira? ... not even interesting

fans of the classics, love the channel, great mood elevator ;)