Interesting and Humour - page 4275

"Internet column: What can robots do?

If off-topic, you will be deleted, but I just can't resist apologising ...


There's a branch with photos (one man in the picture) -,
and on Facebook there are two men in the photo:

And for a long, long time there was a comment ... I think whoever made that comment knows nothing about Metatrader, about brokers ... he just saw the photo in his feed, and wrote down on facebook the first thing his heart told him -

"Be happy, our little sonny."

He probably just had the wrong idea (he didn't know the brothers were in the picture).

Британский брокер Darwinex сделал ставку на MetaTrader 5
Британский брокер Darwinex сделал ставку на MetaTrader 5
  • 2018.03.22
Инвестиционная компания предложила своим клиентам перейти на следующий уровень трейдинга...
Sergey Golubev:

If off-topic, you will be deleted, but I just can't resist apologising ...


There's a photo thread (one man in the photo) -,
and on Facebook there are already two men in the photo:

And for a long, long time there was a comment ... I think whoever made that comment knows nothing about Metatrader, about brokers ... he just saw the photo in his feed, and wrote down on facebook the first thing his heart told him -

"Be happy, our little sonny."

He probably just thought something wrong (he didn't know the brothers were in the picture).

So let the bros be happy))

Криптокороль умер
Криптокороль умер
Следственный комитет проверяет обстоятельства гибели Макушина, он же известнейший видеоблогер Павел Няшин. Его тело нашли в скромной квартире, которую недавний миллионер делил с матерью. Незадолго до смерти, которую следствие сейчас склонно считать добровольной, Макушин подвергся вооруженному нападению. Преступники отобрали 25 млн рублей. Есть...

If you're a millionaire, you shouldn't live in a modest flat.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

If you're a millionaire, you shouldn't live in a modest flat.

If you're a millionaire, you should hire security to stop people in masks from attacking you.

Alexandr Saprykin:

If you're a millionaire, you should hire guards to keep masked men from attacking you.

That's what I'm saying.

Alexandr Saprykin:

If you are a millionaire, you have to hire security to avoid being attacked by people in masks.

You have to earn your money honestly, and then you don't have to sleep in a bulletproof vest.


friends, what's the gangster/mafia motif to watch ?