Interesting and Humour - page 4209


If we are talking about real sensations from the divine world, then we can synchronize everyone without any external rules and meanings.

For one, it will be divine not to hurt anyone. And for the other, to spill his guts, with thoughts that he is freeing someone (because he is an idiot). Only a single set of rules can level them when building a society. All reflections on what exactly is "real sensations from the divine world" are demagogy. Can you personally say what it is? And why one has it and the other does not. And who will decide that it is the same for him.

I know what you mean. I mean that everyone is governed by pure energy/god/higher intelligence. Then there is no need for anyone to decide, there will simply be no "ungodly" things to do.

But that's as utopian as believing in an ideal society. And the resignation of responsibility that someone else or something else will solve and manage people's problems. I'm sure you can't even say for yourself what is divine energy and what is your fantasy that it's divine energy. And you are going to put that term in the basis of synchronization of society.

1. Для одного -божестченно будет не причинчть никому вреда. А другому-наматывать кишки, с мыслями что он освобождает кого-то ( потому что идиот). Уровнять их при построении общества может лишь единый свод правил.

2. All speculation about what exactly is "the real experience of the divine world" is demagogy. Can you personally say what it is? And why one has it and the other doesn't. And who will decide that it is the same for him.

3. I understand what you mean. It's about everyone being ruled by pure energy/god/higher intelligence. Then no one has to decide, there just won't be any "ungodly" things to do.

But this is as utopian as believing in an ideal society.

1. The rules and external behaviour of the physical body do not belong to the divine plan of the world. Therefore these examples are incorrect.

2. it looks like demagogy only for dark and backward beings who do not want to develop a sense of the divine plane of the world. Only after that the understanding and feeling of the divine world will wake up. Without that, man is just a biorobot and a biomass, roughly speaking.

3. not so. Man controls pure and light energy, not it. And this is not even a utopia and is quite achievable reality. All the brakes are in man's own head, all the necessary tools are in him from birth, but he is asleep. As a surrogate crutch to keep control over one's behaviour and apply various rules, for man does not control himself at the level of energy and consciousness.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

All modern humanity is based on religion. It is the basis, within the framework of religion the culture of any nations has developed and the differences in culture are determined by the differences in religion of these nations. It is impossible to understand culture of any nation without knowledge (not necessarily faith) of religion, it is impossible to separate from religion any manifestations of culture of peoples.

Is it possible to explain something to people who do not know/need to understand it all?

I recommend paying attention to Frazer's "The Golden Bough" or Eliade's "The Myth of the Eternal Return",

which explains exhaustively that human culture is based on... magic, which predates religion,

religion is a later "invention", during the decay of the tribal system and the strengthening of the productive economy and the beginning of the stratification of ancient society,

in the course of which shaman-witch doctors formed a priestly caste and tribal elders became the first kings,

sometimes these roles were combined and Fraser shows convincing examples from different regions,

magical notions and ancient myths were precisely what shaped the 'body' of all religions

and religion offered its services to politics - i.e. the power of kings,

and of course - yes - for most of the historical period people have lived with religions, which are important for understanding culture, no one is arguing,

But that doesn't mean it always has to be this way ))))))

Or another question: what if we set it all aside? Another 500 years of barbarism like it was after the Roman Empire?

To begin with, the fall of the Western Roman Empire is not a terrible event compared to the Bronze Age catastrophe, for example,

the collapse of the Western Empire was partly due to corruption and internal contradictions,

similarly, later the Byzantine Empire collapsed in the conditions of corruption, profound degradation and opposition within the Empire itself,

but it is a historical process: the ineffective die off, the new comes and for something new and better to come it is necessary to dismantle the old,

those who cling to the old inevitably fall behind and lose,

again in the past - I repeat that in the first "axial" time there was a significant change in people's worldview and archaic religions died,

instead of archaic religions came new ones - Judaism (which later gave birth to Christianity and Islam), Buddhism and so on,

there were philosophical movements that hadn't existed before, the closest and brightest being Greek philosophy, which also gave birth to a lot of things,

after the Dark Ages, scientific progress generated and discarded concepts at an enormous rate,

religions persisted but gradually lost their monopoly of thought,

at one time they were new, but that does not mean they are eternal, it will be their turn to disappear, and that new axial time is now.


1. If religion were a good thing, there would be no need for its imposition and organisation such as the Church and people would pour in on their own...

and we are well aware that if the church hierarchs were removed, religion would be forgotten within 2-3 generations...

2. Counter-example with yoga: yoga doesn`t have any kind of administrative centre, it`s not centralized, there are centres of learning, but they don`t carry out administrative and regulatory functions,

People get interested and start practicing it themselves, and the number of yoga styles/schools is enormous - complete freedom...

1. If people are primitive and zombified, no religion can spiritualize them, and zombification by the way often comes from religion itself, because religion needs source of sustenance-parasitization - so it is not interested in building welfare society to give people freedom from slave labor.

2 The same with Indian yoga, people are divided into castes and live a miserable existence in filth and filth because it's easier to parasitize on the savagery of the masses.


religions persisted, but gradually lost their monopoly on thinking,

at one time they were new, but that does not mean they are eternal, it will be their turn to disappear, and that new pivotal time is now.

It's not clear where these prophecies are coming from. Religions have a much greater potential for survival than all sorts of cultural-sports-historical organizations and their activists. It's kind of obvious, isn't it?


2. this looks like demagoguery only to dark and backward beings who do not want to develop a sense of the divine strata of the world. Only after that will the understanding and sense of the divine world wake up. Without that, man is just a biorobot and a biomass, roughly speaking.

3. not so. Man controls pure and light energy, not it. And this is not even a utopia and is quite achievable reality. All the brakes are in man's own head, all the necessary tools are in him from birth, but he is asleep. As a surrogate crutch to keep control over one's behaviour and apply various rules, for man does not control himself at the level of energy and consciousness.

And you are exceptionally light being? Maybe you are God, since you say so confidently. I wouldn't risk it. You see, you're already dividing into light and dark. And you're imposing your model. Projecting it onto the outside world.

To continue the example of how 1,000 years of Orthodoxy in Russia went uselessly without improving human nature or making it "kinder" by 1917 -

in more than 70 years of the Union cultivating a socialist consciousness there has never been any increase in "morality",

The bacchanalia and lawlessness of the 1990s began with the complete collapse of socialist values,

and it was Soviet people who took part in this bacchanalia, brought up by this ideology, and not some external aliens,

thus it clearly shows how fragile and vulnerable is any artificial ideology or religion (in fact socialism is also a religion)

And how quickly it collapses without administrative resources and imposition...

Are you, then, an exceptionally luminous being? Maybe you are God, if you say so confidently. I wouldn't risk it. You see, you're already dividing into light and dark. And you're imposing your model. Projecting it onto the outside world.

Actually we are discussing the idea-model, not personalities)) And I am not dividing anyone, if you pay attention ... but I am saying that such a division objectively exists in the outside world and this can be seen with practical experience. It is not required to believe in anything blindly and it is even harmful within the framework of the given model for it is a model based on consciousness, and not on compulsion according to any rules.


To continue the example of how 1,000 years of Orthodoxy in Russia went uselessly without improving human nature or making it "kinder" by 1917 -

Before you criticize, offer a better model for starters... It doesn't take much intelligence to criticize... Many people have been killed in vain, but who knows what would have happened without it or whether mankind would have survived at all - so it's not so clear-cut...

1. If people are primitive and zombified then no religion will spiritualize them, and zombification by the way often comes from religion itself as it needs a source of sustenance-parasitization - so it is not interested in building the welfare society to give people freedom from slave labour.

2) The same with Indian yoga, people are divided into castes and live a miserable existence in filth and filth because it is easier to parasitize on the savagery of the masses.

Now officially all castes in India are equal and the word "untouchable" is banned, instead of the word "caste" they officially use "community"... technically...

but of course in real life caste-based castes have not disappeared and have even increased due to formation of sub-castes and sub-clans in castes and their number is incalculable...

The number of wild superstitions, prejudices and delusions in India is even greater than in "Christian" regions...

Globally, people's lives and perceptions are and will continue to change as manual drudgery is automated,

that's when robots will do all the work - they will be the new untouchables ))))