Interesting and Humour - page 4182


A situation like this has already happened in history and we know how it ended...

What do you suggest?

There used to be a rule: Criticize? - Make a suggestion!

Sometimes people have such good health that with all their efforts they can't ruin it for a very long time...

There's a news item on TV that some unfamiliar celebrity died at the age of 96, then they specify that he died at the age of 96(!) from a heart attack, not from old age(!). But further on there's more. They also clarify that it was his 6th heart attack and the first one was about 40 before that.

Is he in good health?

Do athletes live long? Or astronauts?

I still stick to my point of view: it was determined at birth.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

There's news on TV that some celebrity I don't know died at 96, then they clarify that he died at 96(!) from a heart attack, not from old age(!). But further on there's more. They also clarify that it was his 6th heart attack and the first one was about 40 before that.

Is he in good health?

Do athletes live long? Or astronauts?

I'm still sticking with my point: Birth factor.

If it's genetic predisposition, OK, although so many things can happen during life that genetics can't help...

but if it's about "overdetermined", then it's a dormant superstition and anti-scientific approach...

Aleksandr Volotko:

What do you suggest?

There used to be a rule: criticise? - make a suggestion!

It won't help at this stage, moreover, it's even punishable... especially since most people don't need it either... just wait for the old to crumble and the new to come...


from the comments on the article:

Longevity in Russia is revenge to the state, for a small pension !!!

A friend died, 52 years old, self-employed. A neighbour died recently, well, okay there, disabled. A guy died from the 5th floor, alcohol.


"Yandex.Browser will shield users from mining

Explain to me a person who is not far from it, if I can not mine on CPU Xeon then how they can mine me through the browser or android ?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

A friend died, 52 years old, self-employed. A neighbour died recently, well, okay there, disabled. A guy died from the 5th floor, alcohol.

What a gloomy environment you're in - dying like flies. Take care of yourself, Lyosha, don't abuse the green herb.

However, "alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity"(Mikhail Zhvanetsky)

Vladimir Zubov:

"Yandex.Browser will shield users from mining

Explain to me not far from it person, if I can not mine on CPU Xeon then how they can mine me through the browser, or android ?

In the browser on JS apparently ... The efficiency of such mining is of course paltry


A situation like this has already happened in history and we know how it ended...

You mean the time when there were caravan races?

- Doctor, help me! I've been stung by a bumblebee! - That's all right, we'll put some ointment on it. - But how will you catch it? The bumblebee must have flown away by now! - No, I'll put ointment on the place where it bit you. - Ah, it was in the park, on a bench, under a tree. Doctor, rolling his eyes: - No, I'll anoint the part of your body where the bumblebee bit you and it'll go away. - You should have said so, doctor! A bumblebee stung my finger. - Which one? - How should I know? All bumblebees look the same to me.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Are you referring to the time when there was a carriage race?

History has a tendency to repeat itself.