Interesting and Humour - page 4172

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Ahh, you just didn't specify those details in your initial post, I thought, slammed the door, so to speak. Actually, I'm sure it was a stupid decision made by the neural network. After all, not without reason Gref said at a meeting with students of some (I do not remember) Moscow university that Sberbank does not need programmers anymore, it needs people who understand neural networks.

I also read thatthe Bank of Russia agreed to Sberbank's proposal to remove 1,200 businessmen who were refused service due to suspicions of money laundering from the bank's blacklist.The system of data exchange between banks on untrustworthy clients has been in place since the summer of 2017, with the Central Bank sending banks lists of people who have been refused service or transactions due to suspicions of violating the anti-money laundering law.

So there you go, no other way the neuron suspected you of laundering your pension...(

I just love the lafa that today's banks operate in.

It used to be. Manna from heaven if a customer got into any sort of trouble and had his account seized. People far removed from banks do not understand that there is no customer money in the bank at all, only the bank's money, and the customers have the MUST of the bank to give money on their demand. So when the customer's money was seized, the customer could not realise his or her monetary potency, and the bank was free to dispose of the money.

Now, you wake up, you get suspicious and you block almost any amount in the bank on that basis. That's just awesome!

Vitalie Postolache:

- Tell me, how did you become a plumber?

- As a child I dreamt of becoming an astronaut. But when I was told that there was a bathroom on board the spacecraft - I decided to find out more than the other astronauts...

Man, that's me all over. In 2007, a friend took a $200 forex course at T***Trade. She asked me to help her to understand something. I downloaded MT4, put the demo, and look, I see that I can also write some programmes!
I decided to learn more than the other traders )))) I am still learning, I got sucked in.


Liked the story


Parable of the Yogi: Heaven and Hell

There once lived a yogi high in the mountains of Tibet, who could transport his mind to various parts of the universe by the power of his meditation. One day he decided to go to Hell. He found himself in a room with a big round table in the middle and people sitting around it. There was a pot of rice on the table, which was so big that there was more than enough food for everyone.

The rice smelled so good that the yogin's mouth filled with saliva. Nevertheless, none of the people touched the food. Everyone had a spoon with a long-long handle attached to his hand - long enough to reach the pot and take a full spoonful of rice, but too long to put it in his mouth. All the people were terribly emaciated, their faces full of despair and anger. The yogi realised that the suffering of these people was indeed terrible and sympathetically bowed his head.

Then the yogi decided to go to Paradise. He found himself in a room that was no different from the first - the same table, the same pot of rice, the same long-handled spoons. And at first the yogi thought he had made a mistake, but the happy faces of the people, the eyes shining with happiness, told him that he had indeed entered Paradise. The yogi could not understand anything, but then he looked closely and it became clear to him how Paradise was different from Hell.

The only difference was that the people in this room had learned to feed each other.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Liked the story


Parable of the Yogi: Heaven and Hell

There once lived a yogi high in the mountains of Tibet, who could transport his mind to various parts of the universe by the power of his meditation. One day he decided to go to Hell. He found himself in a room with a big round table in the middle and people sitting around it. There was a pot of rice on the table, which was so big that there was more than enough food for everyone.

The rice smelled so good that the yogin's mouth filled with saliva. Nevertheless, none of the people touched the food. Everyone had a spoon with a long-long handle attached to his hand - long enough to reach the pot and take a full spoonful of rice, but too long to put it in his mouth. All the people were terribly emaciated, their faces full of despair and anger. The yogi realised that the suffering of these people was indeed terrible and sympathetically bowed his head.

Then the yogi decided to go to Paradise. He found himself in a room that was no different from the first - the same table, the same pot of rice, the same long-handled spoons. And at first the yogi thought he had made a mistake, but the happy faces of the people, the eyes shining with happiness, told him that he had indeed entered Paradise. The yogi could not understand anything, but then he looked closely and it became clear to him how Paradise was different from Hell.

The only difference was that the people in this room had learned to feed each other.

A cautionary tale.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I have an account in Sberbank to which my pension is transferred and a Visa card - both with a special status with some pension benefits.

I have been transferring money from account to card in my personal account. Turnover is within the limits of the pension, I have never used the card for any other purpose.

Once again last February I transfer 10,000 from my pension account to my special card and receive a message saying "the transaction has been blocked due to suspicion of money laundering and terrorist financing. You should contact the branch where the card was issued(!)".

Well, I guess that's the gag. I go to Sber branch (when I was drawing up a pension, I opened an account and received a card not near my home, but near the Pension Fund and I had to go, not to walk) and I say so and so, the account and the card are special, and the amount... I get an answer: Write a guarantee that you do not launder money and do not finance terrorism.

I close my card and pay in cash.

Sber is the vilest of banks, this story is another proof of that


Sber is the vilest of banks, this story is another proof of that

A bulhacker aunt at an American firm where I worked a long time ago once answered my question. At the time, we had been receiving wage transfers from the states to Sber, and then she was sitting in the central Sber branch and was paying us with Sber dollar visas. She then said, Lesh, Sber is a condo bank, which was the word I remembered at the time. The Ameras agreed to transfer only to it, because it would not collapse. And generally there were no problems, a couple of times there were small delays of 2-3 days max. This is circa 2006.

My savings bank is quite civilised now, they have completely rebuilt the branch, made a spacious room instead of the stupid USSR-era windows, pretty girls sit at the tables, and there is an electronic queue. I don't go in very often, more on the internet, but it's much more convenient.

I don't know, I've had loads of banks, never had any problems. Any luck? I don't know... After all, there are people who have bad luck.