Interesting and Humour - page 4122

Sergey Golubev:

And no one is outraged at the word repliktoid ...

You don't follow the discussions in the Russian thread very well.

Alexey Viktorov expressed his indignation at Volchansky for his "replictoid" in the polls.


That's it, off the branch.


It was a discussion on "Peculiarities of using anglicisms in Russian part of mql5 forum.
If I were younger, I would have written a dissertation on the subject (this is also a joke).



Sergey Golubev:

That's it, off the branch.


It was a discussion on "Peculiarities of using anglicisms in Russian part of mql5 forum.
If I were younger, I would have written my dissertation on the subject (this is also a joke).



No. It was a discussion about enforcing the rules of the resource. Which for some reason you are violating.

Sergey Golubev:

Not in that sense (not in the sense that satirist Zadornov broadcasts).

I've just heard: Zadornov is dead. I bow my head low, I loved him and will continue to love him. He put smiles on our faces, which we lack. Of all the satirists and humorists, his humor was the closest to me.
Sergey Golubev:

That's it, off the branch.


It was a discussion on "Peculiarities of using anglicisms in the Russian-speaking part of the mql5 forum.
If I were younger, I would have written a dissertation on the subject (this is also a joke).



Well that's not interesting, I wanted to see the moderators fight,

at least some forum life.

And then bam, I'm sorry, I quit. That's disappointing.

Nikolay Demko:

Well, it's not interesting, so I wanted to see how the moderators are shitting,

Apparently, it is correct to say not "fussing" but "yussing" - so at least some use of Golubevsky "yusser" - and it is immediately clear what he is always talking about - instead of "yusser", "yusser"
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Apparently, the right word is not "quarrels", but "users" - so at least some use of Golubevsky "user" - and it is immediately clear what he is always talking about - instead of "user", "user"

Very intellectual discussion. Straight humor.
In all seriousness, there's no problem (at all) between moderators.

But the degree of aggressiveness in this part of the forum needs to be reduced.

At least they used to post cats ...

I'm like Carlson - over the years I've left this thread about twenty times with the words "that's it"... several times even to the Chinese ...
That's it, I am definitely out of this thread for today. Otherwise you might not like some interjections, or the tone, or something between the lines ...


PS. They took the panini ads off the Soyuzpechat kiosk. Maybe they read the forum?

Sergey Golubev:

I'm like Karlsson - I've left this site about twenty times during a few years when the words "that's it, I'm leaving"... and several times even to Chinese people...

At least Carlson flew away without saying "that's it, I'm leaving". He flew away silently, with assurance, unexpectedly for everyone, and even the Teacher longed for him:

The homeroom teacher called Carlson: "Darling, darling."

And Carlson was an expert at taming the Housemother.

You have to know the classics. So you're anything but Carlson.

Sergey Golubev:

I'm like Carlson - over the years I've left this thread about twenty times with the words "that's it, I'm leaving"... several times even to the Chinese...


You remind me more of Postman Pechkin: