Interesting and Humour - page 3984

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I found this out of nothing to do:

So it seems to me the most accurate and universal criterion is the following: the sea is separated from the ocean by natural obstacles. Land, including islands and groups of islands, as well as underwater ridges and faults, act as boundaries. For the only exception - the Sargasso Sea, which is far from any land - this criterion also fits, only here it is not land but currents that act as boundaries. Thus, the sea itself is relatively motionless in comparison to the surrounding ocean, which distinguishes it, even externally (the surface of a dynamic ocean is usually not covered by algae). On the basis of geographical location, one distinguishes marginal seas, intercontinental seas and intracontinental seas. The more the sea is in contact with the land, the more it differs from the ocean. For example: the White Sea, though capricious, though cold, though formidable (in spite of its size) does not resemble the Arctic Ocean at all, and the shallow, "low-salt" Baltic Sea does not resemble the Atlantic Ocean at all.

Another significant difference between seas and oceans is the level of their salinity. Admittedly, this is not the difference by which the boundaries are drawn. The salinity of the oceans is relatively constant (approx. 35 ‰ (ppm), except for the Arctic one - 32 ‰), unlike the seas that, apart from their own climatic and hydrological regime, have their own currents and freshwater rivers flowing. Thus it turns out that salinity in sea is in principle non-uniform (especially low - in river mouths, higher than average - in warm regions), the average sea salinity in relation to ocean can be either significantly higher (Red Sea - 41 ‰) or significantly lower (Baltic Sea - average around 5-10 ‰). Different salinity and temperature regime determines different characteristic composition of flora and fauna. Different colours of water (coloured by various algae), separate representatives of the animal world may well have been landmarks for the navigators.

But for the lazy there is a document "Boundaries of the seas and oceans", compiled by the world hydrographic society, in which the geographical coordinates of all water bodies are detailed.

Now what is to be believed? This or the previous post.

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Interesting & Humorous

SanSanych Fomenko, 2017.09.06 17:49

All seas of the world, with the exception of inland seas (Caspian Sea for example), have no land borders. If the Mediterranean can still be overlooked by a strait, then our seas, which are part of the Arctic Ocean?

Alexander Ivanov:

It reminds me of my childhood.

"...I want to, I want to again,

"I want to run pigeons on the rooftops,

"I want to tease Natasha, pull her braid,

"I want to ride my scooter around the yard..."


This only happens for seas and oceans when two isolated bodies of water meet in a narrow strait. For example, the Baltic Sea and the North Sea - the Baltic Sea is actually inland and they meet through a narrow strait. Or the Mediterranean and the ocean by Gibraltar.

And the Caribbean Sea is actually an open stretch of ocean - there cannot be such a difference in water colour


"...I want to, I want to again,

To run pigeons on the rooftops,

"I want to tease Natasha, pull her braid,

"I want to ride a scooter around the yard..."

ooh exactly ))))


"parsec> Why is it that when news about a new version of a language comes out, there is a jihad in the comments ha>5 pages on ENT?
makoven> Because boys choose languages like girls choose boys: there are a lot of them around, each has its pros and cons, but the love must be given to one single one. Sometimes two or three. And if you choose a tongue, you should choose one with which it will be more or less pleasant to have intercourse for a long time on a regular basis, getting the maximum benefit in return.
makoven> So it's no wonder that the girlfriends who have chosen another (technology) are so jealous of you that they try to make fun of you. That's how they get jealous and try to convince themselves of the rightness of their choice." (c) ifyr


Hasn't anyone seen the new Twin Peaks? It's an amazing film. It was fascinating to take a journey into the depths of the subconscious.)


"...I want to, I want to again,

To run pigeons on the rooftops,

"I want to tease Natasha, pull her braid,

"I want to ride my scooter around the yard..."

What's stopping you?

you're a zhetanzor)))


Hasn't anyone seen the new Twin Peaks? It's an amazing film. It was fascinating to take a journey into the depths of the subconscious.)

The old one couldn't watch it, it was green with boredom.

and the old one was just squealing with excitement.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I once worked in a cool scientific institute where a theorist from Novosibirsk was discharged

He wore rubber boots and a tattered and faded mackintosh in winter and summer, and had an absolutely crazy look, he looked something like the professor from "Back to the Future". ))

This saves a lot of brain energy, he does not have to decide what to wear and what to wear, put on shoes and went (as in other aspects of life). as a consequence, the brain is not distracted from solving the main task and can solve it without interruption, until you remove the problem or until he solves it.



Americans say "if you're so smart, show me your money".

[you just have to put your energy into the right direction]

but there are plenty of brilliant scientists who live their lives as paupers. they are not driven by the goal of making money. they get a kick out of science.

the america you are talking about was created from bandits and brigands who were sent there from england. as well as beggars who wanted to start life again. for all these categories money was the main priority in life and was very important to them. as a consequence of the saying "the apple does not fall far from the tree", you see the result, all american actions are actions of those populations who formed the america.
