Interesting and Humour - page 3508

Igor Konyashin:

This West is also discussing the introduction of unconditional income (Switzerland, Finland).

Free electricity, unconditional income... Who will work and generate electricity then?

They are not discussing it, it was discussed a long time ago, and everyone seems to have refused)))) People have totally refused free money, everyone said "no, we will work!" Now that's worthy of a branch of humour.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
They don't, it's been discussed for a long time and everyone seems to have refused))) People have totally given up on free money, everyone said "no, we'll work!"

It was in Switzerland that they could refuse. I recognise their handwriting.)

UPD: Googled it, and it turns out that in Finland they decided to conduct an experiment after all, from 2017 - as reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta (official newspaper of the Russian Government).
С 2017 года все граждане Финляндии начнут получать базовый доход
С 2017 года все граждане Финляндии начнут получать базовый доход
  • 2016.04.06
Безусловный базовый доход в размере 550 евро вне зависимости от трудоустройства станут получать граждане Финляндии с 2017 года. На первых порах это будет всего лишь экспериментом. Но если его результаты будут положительными, инициатива вполне может получить законодательную базу. Дискуссия о 550 евро в Финляндии ведется с прошлого года...
Yuriy Zaytsev:
Great, I'm going to be stuck for another hour.
Igor Konyashin:

This West is also discussing the introduction of unconditional income (Switzerland, Finland).

Free electricity, unconditional income... Who would then work and generate electricity?

theoretically, if you go beyond a certain productivity threshold, it is possible to make some goods and services completely free

it may not necessarily be a Christmas tree planet like Gianni Rodari

it's more likely that innovation and art will remain high margin and expensive.

but things like food, clothing, electricity, heat, telephone, internet and some basic services could one day be totally free


theoretically, if you go over a certain performance threshold, it is possible to make some goods and services completely free

it may not necessarily be in the form of a Christmas tree planet like Gianni Rodari

it's more likely that innovation and art will remain high margin and expensive.

but things like food, clothing, electricity, heat, telephone, internet and some basic services may one day be totally free.

many of the things listed are still free if you know how to do it.

But you have to spend time on it.

SZZ: you spend time - you save money, you spend money - you save time.
Amazon запатентовал воздушные склады
Amazon запатентовал воздушные склады
  • 2016.12.29
  • Екатерина Русакова
Компания Amazon запатентовала воздушные склады для доставки грузов с помощью беспилотных летательных аппаратов. Склады также могут служить гаванью для дронов, обеспечивая быструю доставку пользователю. Патент был выдан еще в мае, но только недавно на него обратила внимание специалист из исследовательской компании CB Insights. Текст документа...

Britons have proposed cooling the Earth with calcite


But things like food, clothing, electricity, heat, telephone, internet and some basic services may one day become totally free

Yes, we may be witnessing a unique situation in human history. Naturally, this will not happen in all (even most) countries, but in some countries it will be very interesting to see.
Четыре банка готовы списать долги погибших в катастрофе Ту-154
Четыре банка готовы списать долги погибших в катастрофе Ту-154
МОСКВА, 29 дек — РИА Новости/Прайм. Четыре крупных российских банка — Сбербанк, "ВТБ 24", Альфа-банк и "Открытие" готовы списать долги погибших россиян в авиакатастрофе самолета Ту-154 под Сочи, для этого родственникам погибших необходимо обратиться по телефонам "горячей линии" или в отделения банков. Ранее в четверг министр транспорта РФ...
Alexandr Saprykin:

How generous the banks are...

Wouldn't they offer to give up the 5 million (in favour of the bank) owed to the relatives of the dead in return?