Interesting and Humour - page 3507

In Germany, electricity became free during the Christmas holidays. Wind turbines produced too much and consumption went down.

According to Bloomberg, electricity prices in Germany could turn negative for hours or even entire days during the holidays. The trend is primarily due to increased output from wind turbines. At midday on December 26, the total capacity generated by wind power was 33 GW - 60% of all the electricity the country needs.

Electricity prices in Germany are predicted to go to zero for several hours to a few days.

Elchin Mammadov, an analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence, said such prices are due to low demand for the power consumed during the holiday season, when factories are closed and people go on holiday or to relatives.

This is not the first time that energy prices in Germany have been negative. At Christmas in 2012, the price was minus €56.87 per megawatt hour; prices also went negative at Christmas in 2013. This year, German electricity prices could fall to minus €10.95, or around €10.95 per megawatt hour.


In Russia, on the contrary, prices would rise due to falling demand to make up for losses.

Germany Gets Free Power for Christmas as Wind Power Set to Surge
Germany Gets Free Power for Christmas as Wind Power Set to Surge
  • 2016.12.22
  • More stories by Rachel Morison
The price of power for delivery on Christmas Day in Germany turned negative as a surge in wind generation is forecast to boost supply.

In Germany, electricity became free for the Christmas holidays. The wind turbines produced too much and consumption went down.

It was the same in the summer, the state paid them extra for the energy used

Vladimir Karputov:

Top hits of the 90s | Foreign

just got stuck on this one yesterday and here it is!
Tesla и Panasonic начнут делать самые продвинутые солнечные батареи в США
Tesla и Panasonic начнут делать самые продвинутые солнечные батареи в США
  • 2016.12.29
  • Иван Ортега
Tesla и Panasonic заключили соглашение о строительстве совместного завода в штате Нью-Йорк. На расчётную мощность в один гигаватт фотоэлементов в год завод выйдет к 2019 году. На нём будут производить солнечные батареи по сравнительно новой технологии гетероперехода с внутренним тонким слоем (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-layer, HIT). В...
Vladimir Zubov:

In Germany, electricity became free for the Christmas holidays. The wind turbines produced too much and consumption went down.

It was the same in the summer, the state paid them extra for the energy they used.

Very original. Let's say everyone stopped using electricity. The generators keep running, they generate, the minimum consumers still get paid for the use of electricity. Time passes, generators wear out, time comes to replace them... and with what money?

By that logic, one could conclude that if you put generators with more capacity than consumption, the electricity is free.

Some more brainwashing nonsense.


Whatever the baby needs ................ the British can

Британские учёные создали передатчик поцелуев
Британские учёные создали передатчик поцелуев
  • 2016.12.29
  • Валерия Виниченко
Британские учёные разработали новый гаджет, который способен передавать поцелуи на расстояние. Новинка пока работает в тестовом режиме, но, несмотря на это, уже успела привлечь к себе внимание пользователей.
Удастся ли "мировой закулисе" изолировать Рунет?
Удастся ли "мировой закулисе" изолировать Рунет?
  • 2016.12.29
  • Олег Капранов
В последние дни в Интернете очень популярно наблюдение за уходящими в мир иной знаменитостями и не только — в диапазоне от жертв катастрофы Ту-154 и до смерти Джорджа Майкла и актрисы Кэрри Фишер. И всё это происходит в контексте размышлений типа "поскорей бы уже 2017-й, там всё будет иначе". Впрочем, думается, что в конце 1916-го все тоже...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

This is the Humour branch :)

It's not humour.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

It's all about how you perceive it

How do you perceive bloomberg? Is it a humorous website?

This West is also discussing the introduction of unconditional income (Switzerland, Finland).

Free electricity, unconditional income... Who will work and generate electricity then?