Interesting and Humour - page 3433

Server Muradasilov:
The man is a legend ................................. not like the current rulers, sagging.......................

Трамп назвал Фиделя Кастро жестоким диктатором
Трамп назвал Фиделя Кастро жестоким диктатором
ВАШИНГТОН, 26 ноя — РИА Новости, Алексей Богдановский. Избранный президент США Дональд Трамп назвал лидера кубинской революции Фиделя Кастро диктатором и пообещал помогать благосостоянию Кубы. Фидель Кастро скончался вечером в пятницу возрасте 90 лет, о его смерти сообщил по национальному телевидению брат революционера и глава государства Рауль...
На религиозность могут влиять бактерии, считают ученые
На религиозность могут влиять бактерии, считают ученые
МОСКВА, 26 ноя – РИА Новости. Религии могли зародиться в нашей цивилизации благодаря существованию особой популяции бактерий в нашей микрофлоре, которые "перепрограммируют" наш мозг на веру в сверхъестественные сущности, заявляют биологи из МГУ в статье, опубликованной в журнале Biology Direct. В последние годы биологи открыли множество...
Yeah... amazing bacteria in the brains of those biologists live
Nikolay Kositsin:
Oh! Sir, the very specifics of this thread touches on issues that are not forbidden to be discussed on this forum. By the way, General Petrov quite nicely and quite lucidly reveals the historical physiology of the global parasite. There is something about a global parasite in the modern sense (he has a global predictor) in lectures of Pyakin which are quite understandable.

Are you looking for traders from the Barnaul Foundation for Conceptual Technologies, which has a representative office in the Altai Territory?)

Speaking about a printing press of parasites you directly touch upon the policy with the bright name METOKVOT in which you yourself take part , didn't you notice it? and the specificity of the given theme touches upon the questions, just not forbidden for discussion on the given forum !

Chatter will be wiped tomorrow if anything

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Yeah... awesome bacteria in the brains of those biologists live
Alexander Antoshkin:

Are you looking for traders from the Barnaul Foundation for Conceptual Technologies, which has a representative office in the Altai Territory?)

Speaking about a printing press of parasites you directly touches a policy with the bright name METOKVOT in which you yourself take part, didn't you notice it? and the specificity of the given theme touches the questions, just not forbidden for discussion on the given forum !

Talk to me tomorrow and they'll wipe it up if anything happens.

As a matter of fact, everything has been laid out and explained in Pyakin's book.

But you have to work and think about it, you cannot do it in half an hour. I am not looking for traders and I have not looked for any.

The point is that at the present time the scientific and technological level of human development is such that there is no need for a global parasite in the current number of slaves on the planet. And the global parasite has lost its brakes completely and is already conducting an open policy of mass genocide, using all available means. It is impossible to poison people in gas chambers - no problem, they poison the brainless suckers with Pepsi-cola, chips, GMO and inoculations. If they kill Russia with its stubborn population, the process will go on like clockwork. They will kill everyone indiscriminately, as they genocide the entire native population of America, they will genocide the entire population of the planet the same way, and to provide themselves with slaves they will use farms to grow specialised bio-robots, as nowadays they grow salmon from eggs, thanks to The technologies of cutting off the "unnecessary" functions for a man were worked out long ago (Victor Hugo "The Man who Laughs"), but one can only guess what they have already managed to do in the Pentagon's secret laboratories.

Ukrainian Maidanites, Igil, Habat, Chinese workers, Indian advocates of the caste division of society, North Koreans - all of them are the blueprints of a global parasite, for the total enslavement of humanity. This is the project of the future that the global parasite prepares for humanity, or rather what is left of this humanity. And no capitalism. A small group of God's chosen ones among mankind's donkeys, ants, bees and other biorobotic creatures! And no Russians, French, Americans or even Jews. A project of a new eternal Nazi Reich, with no place for Potanin, Deribasco or even Donald Trump.

пякин глобальный предиктор - YouTube
пякин глобальный предиктор - YouTube
Смотрите любимые видео, слушайте любимые песни, загружайте собственные ролики и делитесь ими с друзьями, близкими и целым миром.

"The Ghouls and the Annunaki

Prepare to attack."

(s almost "The Gaza Strip")

Nikolay Kositsin:


They will kill everyone indiscriminately, just as they genocide the entire native population of America, they will genocide the entire population of the planet, and they will use specialised bio-robot farms to provide slaves for themselves, just as they are now raising salmon from eggs,


And how will they multiply themselves, if all people are destroyed? Because quality breeding requires genetic diversity. Proximate interbreeding is harmful.

Or are they the hermaphrodite reptiloids of the grey race?

Igor Konyashin:

"The Ghouls and the Annunaki

Prepare to attack."

(c) almost "Sector Gaza"

How will they reproduce themselves if all humans are destroyed? Because quality breeding requires genetic diversity. Proximate interbreeding is bad for them.

Or are they, ah, reptiloid hermaphrodites of the grey race?

Well, what a stupid question, what genetic diversity, they crawled out of Egypt for three thousand years and did not interbreed with anyone, so that the wealth of the family clans does not withdraw in any way. This gang has such unique inherited diseases, that one can go crazy just by their names! They are not even senile any more, they are not even people!

Von Soros married his niece...

And what does it mean to destroy all humans? Any biorobot before obligatory castration or sterilization is a potential sperm-donor or egg-donor. But the global parasite plans to breed two absolutely irreducible races: a race of god-selected, living for about five hundred years, and a race of humanoid insect-slaves, living for about thirty years...

And they say there is unemployment in the country, people are poor, there is nothing to eat. And it turns out that the unemployed have a good life.

У безработной в Москве похищены деньги и ценности почти на 17 млн рублей
У безработной в Москве похищены деньги и ценности почти на 17 млн рублей
МОСКВА, 27 ноября. /ТАСС/. Полиция ищет двух неизвестных, которые из квартиры безработной жительницы столичного района Аэропорт похитили деньги и ценности почти на 17 млн рублей. Об этом сообщили ТАСС в пресс-службе ГУ МВД РФ по Москве. Как рассказали в главке, с сообщением о краже из квартиры накануне в полицию обратилась женщина 1982 года...
Nikolay Kositsin:


Nikolai, I wonder: would you believe in the existence of a predictor if, for example, the imperialist pyramid was headed not by the USA, but by, say, Russia.

The world would be unipolar and Russia would be the centre of the world? Would your views change?

If so, your dissatisfaction is not with the predictor, but with the place where you live, and by emigrating to the USA you will find peace of mind.

Otherwise, the prognosis is not good for you, the world has been like that for a long time, maybe it will change at some point, but not in our lifetime. And living in a world you hate is a horror, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.