Interesting and Humour - page 3417

The Chinese have deployed the heaviest bridge
Нет слов! Китайцы развернули самый тяжелый мост
Нет слов! Китайцы развернули самый тяжелый мост
  • 2016.11.20
Overhead bridge rotated in E China Мировой рекорд - 24800 тонн Эти трудолюбивые китайцы. 8 ноября на улице Даньян города Хэцзэ провинции Шаньдун при помощи д...
Server Muradasilov:



I'm going to stand on my own )))

Server Muradasilov:
Gold is everywhere, but the percentage of it is high.) It is abundant in mountains, and even a vein can be seen with a naked eye.
Experts say that it is not a big problem to pan for gold, but it is very difficult to get it out of the forest.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Experts say that it is not so hard to pan for gold, but to get it out of the forest is very difficult.

They wash them in places that are well-known to everyone. Until recently, people worked in the tsarist mines (abandoned since then), but it was OK until someone got drunk and got drunk.

What's the difference between folk mining - washing and going to the mountains, collecting rock samples and analyzing ........ People got used to washing, but it is everywhere. It is easier to wash out, but ore must be converted into dust with some clever tricks.

Создана первая фотонная нейросеть
Создана первая фотонная нейросеть
  • 2016.11.21
Физики из Принстоновского университета создали первую нейросеть, основанную на интегральной фотонной схеме. С точки зрения математики, как показали авторы, она схожа с непрерывными рекуррентными нейронными сетями. Подобные устройства могут найти применение в сверхбыстрых вычислительных системах. Препринт исследования опубликован на сайте...
Dmitry Fedoseev:

And how can"King Arthur interviewed the entire female half of his kingdom for a year" when "King Arthur was caught by another king and imprisoned"? Formatted brains already, even blatant nonsense is not seen as nonsense?

That immediately caught my eye, apparently he was under house arrest with the right to visit the women of the kingdom.
Just like our corrupt officials.
Server Muradasilov:

They wash them in places that are well-known to everyone. Until recently, people worked in the tsarist mines (abandoned since then), but it was OK until someone got drunk and got drunk.

What's the difference between folk mining - washing and going to the mountains, collecting rock samples and analyzing ........ People got used to washing, but it is everywhere. Sure, it is easier to pan out, but ore must be converted into dust with some clever tricks.

When I was young, I worked in a geological expedition. I managed to find and chisel away a chunk of rock containing (in their opinion) traces of gold or platinum. They tortured me for a long time where I chipped it from - they wandered around, looking for it. They never found it. Then they made me, as a junior), grind it into powder - I cursed the day and hour when I found it. Then they washed it in a trough, then there were some chemicals. I don't remember how it ended, and after grinding it in a mortar it was no longer of any interest).
Yuriy Asaulenko:
When I was a young man I worked in a geological survey. I found and chipped off a piece of rock that they thought contained gold flecks. They tortured me for a long time about where I had chipped it from - they wandered around looking for it. They never found it. Then they made me, as a junior), to grind it into powder - I cursed the day and hour when I found it. Then they washed it in a trough, then there were some chemicals. I do not remember how it ended, and after it was pounded in a mortar it did not arouse any interest).
Unfortunately, the technology of gold extraction has not advanced at all - all the same poisonous cyanide solutions do not give way to efficiency and completeness of extraction from ore transformed into dust (-0.074 mm).