Interesting and Humour - page 3358

I heard on the radio today at the back of my ear. There are three billionaires officially declaring income in Russia. One of them is listed as operating in the financial markets.
Andrey Dik:
I heard on the radio today at the back of my ear. There are three billionaires officially declaring income in Russia. One of them is listed as operating in the financial markets.
A few years ago I heard there were a couple of them. Sad statistics. 50% reduction))

I recently went for a walk and saw this oil painting on the lawn next to a five-storey building. The pram is obviously not new, but it wasn't thrown away, it was put there for the kitty to sleep in.



Russian DVR video "showed" teleportation.

Alexandr Saprykin:
And no one has yet noticed this very figure being thrown under the wheels?
And no one's noticed this very figure throwing himself under the wheels yet?

you really didn't))))

You've ruined everything ))))

old video, i saw it about a year ago in the sci-fi series.

And no one has yet noticed this same figure being thrown under the wheels?
I noticed it the first time. Didn't you notice that there was a word in inverted commas in the title?
Alexandr Saprykin:
Didn't you notice that there was a word in quotes in the title?
It would have been more logical to put teleportation in quotes, no? )

The Russian Central Bank has decided to identify high-frequency traders on the Russian stock exchange.

ЦБ раскроет иностранных высокочастотных трейдеров
ЦБ раскроет иностранных высокочастотных трейдеров
ЦБ РФ обяжет российских брокеров идентифицировать своих иностранных клиентов, торгующих на бирже РФ с использованием высокочастотных стратегий, сообщил журналистам первый зампред Банка России Сергей Швецов, передает "Интерфакс".