Interesting and Humour - page 3310

Alexandr Saprykin:
Head & Sholders?))
Vladimir Suschenko:
and after the guillotine, the head and folders
Alexandr Saprykin:

And then there's the BBC today on the Mriya and the market for such large aircraft. Also quite an interesting article.

A month and a half earlier another news story went unnoticed
Украинский “Антонов” заменит российскую авионику канадской - BBC Русская служба
Украинский “Антонов” заменит российскую авионику канадской - BBC Русская служба
Украинское авиастроительное предприятие "Антонов" на авиасалоне в Фарнборо заключило контракты на поставки навигационного оборудования и двигателей с канадскими компаниями.
Alexandr Saprykin:

And then there's the BBC today on the Mriya and the market for such large aircraft. Also quite an interesting article.

Interesting article. Dimitri should read it. And the BBC writes it...

Nikolay Demko:
Another news item went unnoticed a month and a half earlier

Here's what struck me about this news.

"The signing of these contracts is a good occasion to combine Canadian technology with Antonov's beautiful aircraft. We are ready to facilitate any issues for the sake of ensuring fruitful cooperation," said Canadian Minister of International Trade Chrystia Freeland at the signing ceremony.

A seemingly small, contract . A Canadian firm is supplying some of the avionics for several types of small number of AN aircraft. And there's the Minister of Commerce present at the signing ceremony ! Madam understands the importance of aviation !

Yuri Evseenkov:

Interesting article. Dimitri should read it. And the BBC writes it...

I read it. И?

...the experts believe that.....

Experts suspect....

After all, the experts have doubts that ...

What experts? What kind of experts?

Saprykin-level article.


As a result - the official message of the SE "Antonov" -"Rights of the owner of the type certificate of the AN-225 "Mriya" aircraft, including intellectual property rights regarding the AN-225 owned by the SE "Antonov", will not be transferred to the Chinese side".

P.S. Saprykin should not read this!


Haifa-based Intel has developed a new seventh-generation processor.

Intel's Haifa, Israel-based R&D centre has developed a revolutionary new seventh-generation computer chip that opens up unprecedented opportunities for computer technology.
The new 14nm processor, dubbed Kaby Lake, is designed to meet the ever-increasing demands of the Internet, high quality video, ultra-high resolution (UHD) imaging, virtual reality and more.
Haifa also developed all three previous generation processors - Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge and last year's Skylake - which are found on most modern computers.
The new Kaby Lake processor will do away with the fan, reduce weight and battery size, and make computers thinner and lighter - up to 7mm in thickness and up to 1.3kg.
Computers equipped with the Kaby Lake processor will support Type C USB, capable of transferring 40GB of data per second.
Intel Israel Research Center director Ran Senderowitz said the Israeli team has "pushed the boundaries of global technology. Just think: we are talking about 14 nanometre technology.
It's like cutting a hair into 8,000 little hairs. We are getting closer to the point where computers are becoming as thin as smartphones.
The first computers to use the new processor are expected to hit the market this month.
And the eighth-generation 10-nanometer Cannonlake chip, also under development in Haifa, will arrive in the third quarter of next year.

Nikolay Demko:
A month and a half earlier another news item went unnoticed

Yes. Yesterday when I was looking through various sources about Antonov - I saw this information in several places.


I read it. И?

...experts believe that.....

Experts suspect....

After all, the experts have doubts that ...

What experts? What kind of experts?

The article is on the level of Saprykin.

I gave you a link to the foreign media specifically for you.

It says the same thing as in the media from the former Soviet Union.

If you, Dmitry, are really interested in what experts and specialists - the article has their names and even their place of work.