Interesting and Humour - page 3226

Yuri Evseenkov:
Let's talk more about nature.
Everyone's seen porn. It's perfectly natural. Just like the fact that it gets boring and takes up space. And there's no connection to intelligence.
В Китае мужчине по ошибке удалили геморрой, пока он ждал родов жены
В Китае мужчине по ошибке удалили геморрой, пока он ждал родов жены
ПЕКИН, 11 авг – РИА Новости, Жанна Манукян. Китайские врачи по ошибке приняли за пациента мужчину, который ждал родов своей жены, и сделали ему операцию по удалению геморроя, сообщает агентство China News. Инцидент произошел в одной из больниц города Шэньян в провинции Ляонин. По словам 29-летнего молодого человека, он около 40 минут ждал...
No . You can't get a permit for a capital foundation on an island like that .

About nature.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Are doctors in china blind?

No, of course not. Some forum users are blind, they don't see the issue.

Again, is this your life position too?Andrey F. Zelinsky: It's inherent in any viable culture that "what was yours is now ours".


You can't shout "eureka".

The "eureka" is not going to happen, the bug will come along and rub out innocent links or delete normal posts.

No, but Golubev is undeservedly not mentioned here.

Oh, and someone also deletes user profiles. It's crazy.


oh, shit... The theme begins to rustle and move, the volume is like a line at the supermarket, shit's starting to flow down the walls again... shit's coming back from the doldrums, it's like old times after the stagnation.

it's kind of fun, it's kind of nice for some people...


the words are all literary

You could try the serial number of your passport at the nearest

F.S.B. office...

And if they don't, I'm sorry...


Oh, what a lot of interesting stuff:

First -- Mishek, like, a key figure in this forum:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Interesting and Humour

mihailmischek, 2016.08.12 11:31

Now all the strategies, tactics, codes have long been worn out, but then everything was just opened, tasted and actively discussed. It was exciting. If there was a pause, it would be desirable that people have not fled from the pages of the forum, and peresidelit. So I started a forum thread where people would sit and wait until someone would cry out "Eureka". ) Trying to repeat something is utopia and no one needs it, at least for me.

Then TheWise TheExpert (prefix the stands for "like"):

A forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Interesting and Humorous

Combinator, 2016.08.12 11:52

Shouting "eureka" won't work.

It will be a lot of detractors screaming that it does not work. If there's a fight, an abolk who doesn't care what topic to argue about will come running in, the process is more important.

If the situation is not controversial and discussion starts, grabber will come and rub out innocent links or delete good posts.

The desire to communicate and share just comes naturally.

This is the main conclusion / explanation by Mishek:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

Interesting and Humorous

mihailmischek, 2016.08.12 12:00

It's understandable. A long time ago, not everyone had the Internet. Then many people had it. Then the speed began to appear ... and so on. As a result, there was a time when the Internet was advanced, wealthy and educated. So there was an atmosphere. And now, when any retired Stalinist spends his time at the computer and gets bored and pushes his mothballs everywhere, the atmosphere is appropriate.

I take it that Mishek's return is the return of the "prodigal son", shabby and shabby.

Hilarious. Keep on burning. Feel like you're at a sermon.

There's nothing more interesting than life stories.


From boring sabbaths
Tired to death,
Two witches are walking and talking:
"Come on, brother witch,
"Come on, brother witch, let's go see,
How our people live in the city!

How things have changed!
Already it's ruined
At the foot of Bald Mountain.
And the good people don't seem to be
"They haven't come in for a long time.
"The ghouls are the only ones left..."

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Oh, what a lot of interesting stuff:

First -- Mishek, like, a key figure in this forum:

Then TheWise TheExpert (the prefix "the" stands for "like"):

And then there's Mishek's main conclusion/explanation:

I take it that Mishek's return is the return of the "prodigal son", shabby and shabby.

Hilarious. Keep burning. Feel like you're at a sermon.

There's nothing more interesting than life stories.

The return of the prodigal son. c.1666-69.

Rembrandt Return of the Prodigal Son