Interesting and Humour - page 3130

Then why did you search for the article and post it here?
Maybe you need one. You can always find it yourself if you need it. ;)
Anatoli Kazharski:
Maybe you need to. You can always find it yourself if you need to. ;)

Have you searched and posted, but you don't need it?

Not fully in control of your actions and deeds?


Have you searched and posted, but you don't need it?

Not fully in control of your actions and deeds?

Well, I wouldn't say I spent that much time on it. It was enough to make one request. Maybe 10 seconds at the most. )

It was a spontaneous impulse. Saw that you needed other sources and decided to help you out. Why, you got a problem with that? ))

Vladimir Zubov:

What laws should PayPal be governed by in the first place?

If the user has opened an account there, he has accepted the terms of the agreement and has undertaken to comply with them.

I made it clear that American and international are not synonymous. The USA is not an "all-galactic alliance" or even a "League of Earthlings".
Anatoli Kazharski:

Well, I wouldn't say I spent that much time on it. It was enough to make one request. Maybe 10 seconds at the most. )

It was a spontaneous impulse. Saw that you needed other sources and decided to help you out. Why, you got a problem with that? ))

You can't control your actions and actions because of "spontaneous impulses"?

Of course "problems" - you can kill several people in 10 seconds - you can't control yourself

Are you unable to control your actions and deeds because of "spontaneous impulses"?

You can imagine it that way, of course. There are no limits to fantasy. Are you in control of this stream of consciousness?

Describe in more detail how conscious you are, thereby showing how much control you have over yourself and your actions. ;)

Anatoli Kazharski:

You can imagine it that way, of course. There are no limits to fantasy. Are you in control of this stream of consciousness?

Describe in more detail how conscious you are, thereby showing how much control you have over yourself and your actions. ;)

Do you not want to talk about your uncontrollable actions and deeds?


Of course "problems" - you can kill several people in 10 seconds - you can't control yourself

Sounds like your fantasies are also violent and your logic is upside down. I don't know how you came to those conclusions. Shall we try to dig a little deeper into your mind? ))

You don't want to talk about your uncontrollable actions and deeds?

Looks like it's you who's out of control, not me. ;)

Anatoli Kazharski:

It sounds like your fantasies are also exuberant and your logic is turned inside out. I don't understand how you came to these conclusions. Shall we try to dig a little deeper into your mind? ))

Looks like it's you who's out of control, not me. ;)

Let's go over it again from the beginning - you find an article on the internet and post it here, yet you assure everyone that this topic is of absolutely no interest to you?

Then why did you search and publish it?


Let's start again from the beginning - you find an article on the internet and publish it here, and yet you assure everyone that you have absolutely no interest in the subject?

Then why did you search and publish it?

Again from the beginning? ))

I already answered your question. Do you have aggravation? Spring is long gone. Or do you have it all year round? ))

And what makes you think I'm trying to prove anything ? I'm talking to you now, but I'm not proving anything. Or is this one of the endless ramifications of Lichtenberg your exuberant imagination? Oh, you can wander there for a very long time. ;)