Interesting and Humour - page 3009

Everyone who made more money than you did, didn't they?
We can even list many of them by name.)

Be a feudal lord, who won't?

Or does "pikey's wish" prevent you from being a feudal lord?

Okay, guys, you've convinced me. I'm not going to be a feudal lord.

Actually, my dream was to work for the authorities... But I realized a gynecologist wasn't my thing. :-)
Pavel Gotkevitch:
Не, не получится у меня сравняться с ними... Я - законопослушный и зарабатывать привык честно. 


All those who earned more than you did not earn honestly?
Scarecrow logic trick(1, 2)

Tomorrow is a memorable date! Happy Holidays, gentlemen!


I don't think I went to school yet, but I've already heard of a decadent capitalism on the brink of an abyss.

The experts on capitalism have gathered
North Korea
Would you agree to live there?
СанСаныч Фоменко:

Why are you so attached to capitalism?

Where do you see it?

France, Sweden...? There's a bigger social package there than in the USSR...

IN THE US? Well, the new incarnation of Comrade Trotsky there has replaced the term "world revolution" with "globalization" and is pushing, pushing with the help of aircraft carriers ...

Fattier than in the USSR? Did the USSR have some kind of social package?
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
It's just that in the USSR, no one would have had to do the crap that everyone is doing here now.
Excuse me, Andrei, for being indiscreet. You don't like what you are doing here now? Then why do you do it?
North Korea
China - that's socialism for you.