Interesting and Humour - page 3005

Vladimir Tkach:
Single Celled
Why are you talking about the MPs in the State Duma like that?)
Pavel Gotkevitch:
Why are you talking about State Duma deputies like that?)

Ahhahaha. I almost fell out of my chair laughing.

Vladimir Tkach:
Single Celled

... -> Big Bang - > Stars -> Supernova explosions (consecutively several times before carbon and oxygen formation) -> Star systems similar to our Solar system -> Asteroids with RNA formation on them under low temperatures and low pressure -> Planetary system -> PHK from those very asteroids -> DNA and Proteins -> Protozoa (possibly viruses) -> Single Celled -> Multicellular -> Chordates -> Chordate fish -> Reptiles -> Birds -> Chicken and eggs.

... -> in one of the branches of the chain the appearance of Man (who believes, and most likely erroneously in many respects, that this is exactly what happened).

The question "What was there before BW?" is left out of the picture. However, practicing traders are often concerned with another question "What came before, bears or bulls?", which leads to the problem of"To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. (с)"...

Andrey Dik:

The question "What was there before the BV? However, practicing traders are often concerned with another question "What came before, bears or bulls?" which leads to the problem of"To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. (с)"...

It's not a question at all. The primary sources say that one must first find the CLAD.

However, as no one has money and commodity-money relations are underdeveloped, then it is impossible to buy or sell anything. The way out is inevitable:
Other primary sources say that in this case there is social inequality, and the question can be solved very simply, and there is no need to think - what is there to think about? Take and divide.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

This is not a question at all. The primary sources say that first you have to find the CLAD.

However, no one has money and monetary relations are underdeveloped, so it is impossible to buy or sell anything. The way out is evident:
Other primary sources say that in this case there is social inequality, and the question can be solved very simply, and there is no need to think - what is there to think about? Take and divide.

Why go back in time, you just have to work. He who works, eats. There are more important problems

Andrey Dik:

... -> Big Bang - > Stars -> Supernova explosions (consecutively several times before carbon and oxygen formation) -> Star systems similar to our Solar system -> Asteroids with RNA formation on them under low temperatures and low pressure -> Planetary system -> PHK from those very asteroids -> DNA and Proteins -> Protozoa (possibly viruses) -> Single Celled -> Multicellular -> Chordates -> Chordate fish -> Reptiles -> Birds -> Chicken and eggs.

... -> in one of the branches of the chain the appearance of Man (who believes, and probably erroneously in many respects, that this is exactly what happened).

The question "What was there before BW?" is left out of the picture. However, practicing traders are often concerned with another question "What came before, bears or bulls?", which leads to the problem of"To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary. (с)"...

Before the big bang we know what was there - the Singularity. And RNA on the early Earth could have spontaneously arisen - experimentally shown. And so, yes, the process of the emergence of the chicken and the egg went deeply parallel. Had it not been for the tragic event of a meteorite, high-knowledge descendants of dinosaurs would be trading on the stock exchange now, while mammals, as mice, would be hiding in their holes. Although, most likely, dinosaurs would have traded on the stock exchange 20-30 million years ago, and would now be wandering somewhere in neighbouring galaxies.
Before the big bang, we know what it was - the Singularity. And RNA on the early Earth could have arisen spontaneously - experimentally shown. So, yes, the process of the chicken and the egg was deeply parallel. Had it not been for the tragic event of a meteorite, high-knowledge descendants of dinosaurs would be trading on the stock exchange now, while mammals, as mice, would be hiding in their holes. Although, most likely, dinosaurs would have traded on the stock exchange 20-30 million years ago, and now would be prancing around somewhere in neighbouring galaxies.
What about the afterlife?
Alexandr Saprykin:

You have to get the tasks right:

Andrey Dik:

Quite right. Because a brilliantly simple and yet criminal scheme was devised - privatisation. Practically for free, state property and the right to exploit/extract the people's wealth passed into private hands. Hence the monstrous gap between the poor and the "rich". It is naive to hope that anything will change for the better in this regard.

Until there is a standardization of people's thinking by brain-chipping (then all will think the same way and accordingly the needs will be the same), or the fusion of consciousness into a single mega-consciousness by acquiring for example the ability to read thoughts or by the same brain-chipping (information exchange between consciousnesses via wi-fi, equal access to information gives equal rights and opportunities in society for all).

Under capitalism which we have called softly "market economy" it is impossible in principle to aim at equal rights for all in terms of opportunities in society for all. The sinister essence of capitalism is that it is a 20/80 law, where 20% of the people, like it or not, get richer and own 80% of the resources, and 80% get poorer, owning only the remaining 20% and having to subsist beyond the average. However, mankind has not thought of a better option for society as a whole, probably because it is impossible to think of and/or implement. The USSR should have been converted to capitalism gradually, following the example of China, but it is unlikely that the top brass, with their absolute "people's" power, would have agreed. Conclusion: We must face reality and adjust to the realities of life. It is difficult for us, the old-timers, to achieve this, but the future generation will get the desired result, and it will not seem to them that some people live better and others worse. They will accept the said law in all its power and inevitability.