Interesting and Humour - page 2927

I read somewhere about a "war of currencies", so I think there is no such thing as a war of currencies - they just agree so that the bulls close on a stop loss and then the bears close on a stop loss and the market is clear (and all traders are at a loss). Because peoples have different phobias, while presidents and oligarchs talk to each other normally and even wish each other happy birthdays (like - they have their reality and we have ours).
only sheep are actually taken out )
В компании БКС прошли обыски по делу о манипуляции акциями "Мечела"
В компании БКС прошли обыски по делу о манипуляции акциями "Мечела"
  • 2016.03.10
Москва. 10 марта. INTERFAX.RU - Следователи провели обыски в компании БКС в рамках расследования дела о манипулировании рынком, связанным с куплей-продажей акций ОАО "Мечел", сообщили в пресс-службе Следственного комитета. "Сегодня в рамках расследования уголовного дела в офисах ООО "Компания - БКС" проводятся обыски с целью изъятия первичной...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
only sheep are actually taken out )
Well... What are we to them... The world is divided into two parts (and always has been) - into the so-called rich (The Management) and the so-called poor (we are like the middle class, etc.) ...

They are very united with each other, and we have "kind of problems" as they say (and they make them for us) ... "Like a problem" - it's in the criminal lingo - "you're busted" etc...

I mean - if someone speaks in such lingo - like :) (I'm speaking it) - he either raped someone or killed someone ...

The Far East does not speak this language en masse ... although that's where the criminals were exiled in the old days...

And this is from the time of the ancient Greeks ...


In short - we are not the sheep.
And the market is even more 'realistic' than the real world. Because it's a money world out there (and I won't even joke about it as I did in the last post...).

So it's quite possible - made a stop for the bulls, then made a stop for the bears.
Sergey Golubev:
And the market is even more "realistic" than in the real world. Since it's a money world out there (and here I won't even joke as in the last post ...).

So it's quite possible - made a stop for the bulls, then made a stop for the bears.

In this very market they only take out bulls or bears, maybe it's just my imagination, but both are treated as sheep.)

These names, "bull" and "bear" were invented by those who take out, so that the sheep would not be so offended.)

"Taking out the bulls" or "taking out the bears" sounds cooler than, "taking out the rams".

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

"Taking out the bulls" or "taking out the bears" sounds cooler than, "taking out the rams".

I guess it is. Both bulls and bears have rams. It's a Nobel Prize in biology.
Sergey Golubev:
It seems to me that people mutate. Both mentally and physically.

Well, for example, I read the news (RIA Novosti - the state news agency) - the top news, that is, the latest for today:

First of all, it's the Voronezh region, and I'm in Kaliningrad. It's a long way to Voronezh across several borders, and there are shuttle buses to Poland and Germany.
Then ... Why do I need to know (even if I'm in Voronezh in their opinion) how many government contracts were signed in Italy and what the meeting of the Greek Prime Minister with Prikhodko (I won't even look it up in Wikipedia ... - I have no real estate in Greece :) ). And what the Russian Foreign Ministry condemned - it's kind of official ... Then it's just news ...
Where else can you read good news? Inosmi ru - the same thing, but in a structured way. News from other countries (whose language I somehow understand - the same as RIA ...).

I went outside (for a smoke) - and if you look at my age - I am the oldest... but everyone's dressed like nothing... girls walking - no idea how or which way their legs bend... It's a nightmare... They're ugly, and they're all smiling...

Either I've degraded somehow, or people have mutated, and I'm on the computer and haven't noticed.

Here's more top news of the day on RIA:

"Microbiologists have uncovered the secret of how Pseudomonas bacteria, a kind of batman bacteria, and its cousin from another kind of microbe, move around the nutrient medium using a kind of boarding hook that the comic book hero launched with a special gun, and published them in the journal Science."

Either I'm already a degenerate fool, or we're just mutating ... everyone likes it after all (they won't top it with all sorts of shit) ...

Architecture of the type IVa pilus machine
Architecture of the type IVa pilus machine
Type IVa pili are bacterial cell surface structures that perform critical functions in motility, surface adhesion, virulence, and biofilm formation. Type IVa pili are anchored in the cell envelope and pull cells forward through cycles of extension, adhesion to surfaces, and retraction, all powered by the type IVa pilus machine (T4PM). Although...
Marcus Tullius Cicero is shocked.

Klitschko Senior has a worthy follower.
The head of the Lipetsk regional administration, Oleg Korolev, congratulated women on 8 March in such a way that his speech has already been quoted!

Pavel Gotkevitch:
Marcus Tullius Cicero is shocked.

Klitschko Senior has a worthy follower.
The head of administration of Lipetsk region Oleg Korolev congratulated women on March 8 in such a way that his speech has already been stolen for quotations!

philosopher ...