Interesting and Humour - page 2815

Физики создали камеру, которая позволяет заглянуть за угол
Физики создали камеру, которая позволяет заглянуть за угол
  • 2015.12.07
МОСКВА, 7 ноя – РИА Новости. Британские инженеры и физики создали устройство, которое в буквальном смысле позволяет заглянуть за угол и наблюдать за перемещениями объектов, которые скрываются за этим углом, говорится в статье, опубликованной в журнале Nature Photonics. В последние годы ученые активно работают над созданием гаджетов, позволяющих...
No, it's all right :)
В аэропорту Малайзии ищут хозяина трех самолетов «Боинг-747»
В аэропорту Малайзии ищут хозяина трех самолетов «Боинг-747»
  • 2015.12.08
Куала-Лумпуре заявили, что в их воздушной гавани стоят три забытых грузовых «боинга». Через СМИ они обратились к хозяину лайнеров, чтобы он их забрал в течение двух недель, иначе самолеты будут проданы. Об этом сообщает CNN. Управляющий аэропортом Мод Иса пояснил, что лайнеры «Боинг-747» стоят уже более года. Причем в воздушной гавани они...
Server Muradasilov:
No, it's all right.)
He's cheating, Mod Esa clearly put the money in his pocket. Now he's denying it, I don't know, I haven't seen it.
Server Muradasilov:
I wonder if it is real to stop the process, or is it over?)
If there were no wars and population extermination it would be necessary to melt glaciers artificially... now there is only hope for lush vegetation and appearance of three-storey dinosaurs... "the triangle will be drunk" ....)))
Yury Reshetov:
Especially the deckhouse is a very good target.
Better to hit near the waterline - it will go down quicker.
It's better to hit it near the waterline - it'll sink faster.
Don't hit the bottom, it's probably radioactive.
Alexey Busygin:
Don't go to the bottom, it must be radioactive.
money for war is money for the past - they would rather spend money on the is of course the coolest, but only for self-destruction...what the fuck do they need it for?...still hope to keep people in fear...with modern communications people have no fear of anything... not even death...which is too bad...order is still based on fear...
Сергей Криушин:
money for war is money for the past - they would rather spend money on the is of course the coolest, but only for self-destruction...what the fuck do they need it for?...they still hope to keep people in fear...with modern communications people have no fear of anything... not even death...which is too bad...order is still based on fear...
Money is spent on protection and war goes sideways.

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, led by psychologist Carol Holaghan, have concluded that quitting drinking altogether is more dangerous than alcoholism. The study, published in the journalAlcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, sums up two decades of work.

The study involved more than 1800 people aged 55 to 65 years, who were divided into three groups: alcoholics, moderate drinkers and teetotalers.

They found that people who abstain from alcohol die before others. On average, 69 per cent of them do not make it to their 65th birthday. The figure for alcoholics was 60 per cent, while the figure for moderate drinkers was just 41 per cent. This is despite the fact that drinking alcohol obviously increases the risk of illness and accidents.

There is no correlation with other factors. It does not matter how much you earn, how often you exercise or how many friends you have.


Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, led by psychologist Carol Holaghan, have concluded that quitting drinking altogether is more dangerous than alcoholism. The study, published in the journalAlcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, sums up two decades of work.

The study involved more than 1800 people aged 55 to 65 years, who were divided into three groups: alcoholics, moderate drinkers and teetotalers.

They found that people who abstain from alcohol die before others. On average, 69 per cent of them do not make it to their 65th birthday. The figure for alcoholics was 60 per cent, while the figure for moderate drinkers was just 41 per cent. This is despite the fact that drinking alcohol obviously increases the risk of illness and accidents.

There is no correlation with other factors. It does not matter how much you earn, how often you exercise or how many friends you have.

Well, modern "science" is a corrupt whore. And the modern "scientist" is a walking prostitute. An academic is a pimp. Everything from the diploma to the "academic" degree is for sale, as well as the results of "scientific" research. If some distillery owner comes to a university and finances "scientific research", the result will be known to be like the above. And if a soft drink factory owner comes to the same university and also pays for "scientific research", the "scientific" results and their "conclusions" will be the opposite of the previous ones.

Rectors of universities, as well as "pseudoscience" committees, are careful to ensure that the clients' TOR are strictly adhered to, for which they receive their share of orders. If any scientist inadvertently obtains scientific results which do not comply with the TOR, he will be immediately declared a freak, a representative of "pseudoscience" and suspended from "scientific" activities.