Interesting and Humour - page 2755


Is it just me or does it smell like a pyramid scheme:

Минпромторг предложил раздать продуктовые карточки 15 млн россиян
Минпромторг предложил раздать продуктовые карточки 15 млн россиян
Адресная помощь по продовольственным карточкам может быть оказана 15–16 млн необеспеченных граждан России, назвал в четверг на форуме Retail Business Russia свою предварительную оценку заместитель министра промышленности и торговли РФ Виктор Евтухов. По его словам, по предварительным подсчетам Минпромторга, на реализацию программы потребуется...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Is it me or does it smell like a pyramid scheme:

More like a subtle hint that no normal products can be bought with these cards. And in general it looks like a fake.

It turns out that using one card you can feed 1000 people for half the price.


A new feature in the profile? Or maybe I hadn't noticed it before:


Karputov Vladimir:

A new feature in the profile? Or maybe I hadn't noticed it before:

New, but would have been better added to the code page (I mean the number of downloads).
New, but better added to the code page (I mean the number of downloads).
New, it's the first time I've noticed that. Number of downloads should be added to the code page, because if you have several programs in Code Base it's not clear how many downloads each.
Yuri Evseenkov:
It's new, it's the first time I noticed that. The number of downloads should be added to the code page, because if you have several programs in the Code Base it is not clear how many downloads each program has.
Now, of course, it is visible, but scrolling through the ribbon is not very desirable, in addition, if you add a lot of programs. I made a proposal to servicedesk on this issue, we'll see...
Now, of course, it's visible, but you don't really want to flip through the feed, especially if you're adding a lot of programmes. I have made a proposal to servicedesk about it, we'll see...
Yeah, you can see it now. I just don't get it. I used to look at the number of downloads on my profile (achievements) and it shows the total number of downloads.
Now, of course, it's visible, but you don't really want to flip through the feed, especially if you're adding a lot of programmes. I have made a proposal to servicedesk about this, we'll see...
When you get an answer, please post it here.
Karputov Vladimir:
When you have an answer, please post it here.
Yeah, no problem. But, it's not fast enough...